[blparent] returning to the group

Bernadetta bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Thu Jun 4 21:35:45 UTC 2015

Oh, Jennifer
I'm so, so very sorry about your loss. Honestly. You've experienced the 
kind of loss that lives in the nightmare of all parents, blind and 
sighted alike, and in my opinion, you don't have to explain yourself 
for being away from the list. Not at all.
I've been away from this list for a while myself, for no good reason at 
all, other than I've been busy, and I've just started participating 
again a couple of days ago.
I remember your contributions to the various discussions back when I 
first joined this list, and you've had quite a bit of insight to share 
I think I speak for all of us when I say that you're welcome to seek 
support, advice, or just to participate here anytime. We're here for 
you, as fellow parents. Again, I'm so sorry for your unimaginable loss.



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