[blparent] blparent Digest, Vol 133, Issue 13
tcl189 at rogers.com
Tue Jun 23 13:07:34 UTC 2015
Lots of us out here have done the guide dog/stroller thing as well. My
youngest just turned four so we're just out of the stroller stage thank
Goodness. I had two dogs with my strollers with different kids and
everybody involved handled things differently. My latest dog was trained to
pull things behind her at the guide dog school before I got her so she just
did it and it worked. but my previous dog didn't and I actually had issues
with the school making a deal about pulling things behind my dog and guiding
children etc which is one of the reasons I never went back to that school.
but he did manage to be able to pull a stroller after a bit of me teaching
him how to do it and training him how not to pull the baby up the curb and
things like that. So it worked for both my dogs and both times I had a
stroller with a reversable handle so I could have the wheels that swivveled
in the front for steering when being pulled. The baby faces the same way
you would. You can use a stroller like the sitnstroll which doesn't reverse
but pulls okay behind you if you need a car seat as well. I used that for
my kids if I was using cabs or publuc transportation.
As for carriers, I used a lot of them depending on how old my baby was and
what situation I was in. If I was just doing things around the house and
tha baby was smaller I used a wrap. I like the wrap because of it's
versitility. If the baby wanted to sit he/she could sit, or if they wanted
to lay down they could lay down. I also liked the sling for the same
reason although I found it a little more challenging to use, and I found it
didn't distribute my baby's weight as well as the wrap did which made it a
little bit uncomfortable. When we were out I used either the wrap or my ergo
carrier when my boys were little. When my daughter was born I had a beco
gemini carrier which was nice because of the carrying positions and for the
fact that I didn't need to buy a separate infant insert like I did with the
ergo. It's I think my favourite of those types of carriers. It fits easily
in a diaper bag when not in use, the baby can sit in several positions, on
your hip, or facing in or out on your front. I think you can use it on your
back too but I never used that position.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernadette Jacobs via blparent
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 7:34 AM
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Cc: Bernadette Jacobs
Subject: Re: [blparent] blparent Digest, Vol 133, Issue 13
Good thing you wrote to this list. You have a great authority I'm here. I
would look to the first lady of our movement, Melissa Riccobono. She's done
it all. She has three children and she has done the stroller/dog thing. She
manages that better than I can imagine doing. She can tell you how she wears
her babies when she has to. I'm sure she will soon. Have a great dayBernie
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> On Jun 22, 2015, at 8:00 AM, blparent-request at nfbnet.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Baby questions (Jolynn Turpin)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 22:05:51 -0700
> From: Jolynn Turpin <linnie1516 at gmail.com>
> To: "blparent at nfbnet.org" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: [blparent] Baby questions
> Message-ID: <309A30D7-FB2A-4A98-92C3-08D0819C8546 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi,
> I have been receiving emails from this group for quite awhile but really
> have not said much. I am expecting my first baby and just have a few
> questions. I am wondering what parents have found necessary to buy when
> they have a new baby. I see all these different items in stores and on
> Amazon and some of them just seem like they would be totally unnecessary
> junk. I am just wondering what you guys have bought for your new babies.
> Also, I was trying to find some sort of a talking thermometer and was just
> wondering what the best one is that you guys have come a crossed. Also, I
> am a guide dog user and am wondering what kind of a stroller car seat
> system you guys have found useful to use with a dog. Also, what kind of a
> carrier system have you guys found most useful? I know that there will be
> times that it will be easier to wear my baby, I am just not sure what
> carrier is best I know there is lots more that i need to try to figure
> out, but hopefully this is at least a good start. Any other information
> you guys can give me would be great. Thank you so much!
> Jolynn
> Sent from my iPhone
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