[blparent] Teaching Handwriting and Homeschooling curriculums

Danielle Ledet singingmywayin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 04:45:56 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Someone on the Blind Educators list brought up handwriting. So one of
our fellow Federationists documented the process of teaching the
mechanics of handwriting for us. Quite honestly, I have taught the
basics of handwriting along with my children's teachers but was
curious how a blind or VI parent might do this independently? I had my
partially sighted husband who I would have look at writing and model
if necessary. But, I know there are a few blind homeschooling parents
who have homeschooled well beyond the elementary years. How do you go
about independently accomplishing this task especially keeping between
the lines?

On another note, which curriculums do you all prefer and why?


Email: singingmywayin at gmail.com

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