[blparent] adoption

hina altaf hinaaltaf1983 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 14:38:30 UTC 2016

I am not sure what is the proceedure to adopt a child either a refuge
or with disability. Is it possible for visually impaired parents to
adopt and someone told me blind people can not adopt because of
blindness which makes no sense. What is the proceedure and who do they
need to speak? I know someone who would like to do that.

On 2/1/16, Star Gazer via BlParent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> 					I know a woman who adopted a boy from China in the same situation as
> the boy mentioned in this email. As it happens, she knows the boy in
> question. I have asked her to subscribe to the list and share what she
> knows.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BlParent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deborah
> Kent Stein via BlParent
> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 2:09 PM
> To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List' <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Deborah Kent Stein <dkent5817 at att.net>; blindkid at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [blparent] {Disarmed} FW: [Blindhomeschooler] Chinese blind boy in
> need of an adoptive family immediately
> From: Blindhomeschooler at yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:Blindhomeschooler at yahoogroups.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:46 PM
> To: yahoogroups <blindhomeschooler at yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [Blindhomeschooler] Chinese blind boy in need of an adoptive family
> immediately
> I know this is a long shot, but there is a dear boy I met in China in
> November who is about to lose his chance to ever have a family. He was in
> process of adoption, but now his would-be family is no longer moving
> forward. Due to his age (13), this is extremely urgent, as Chinese orphans
> are not able to be adopted once they turn 14. Depending on the adoptive
> family's situation, adoption grants of between $4,000-10,000 are available,
> with more a possibility. Please share this if you know of anyone who might
> be even a little bit interested. If you contact me, I can direct you to the
> grants available and to the people you'd need to speak with.
> Here is the Facebook post from his orphanage:
> Jimmy at Bethel is again looking for a family (for reasons having nothing to
> do with him). He will age out in JULY, so we have limited time to find him a
> family!
> Jimmy is quiet and shy, but once he gets to know you he's a loyal friend. He
> is an accomplished piano player and it's been wonderful to see him blossom
> with his music. He is smart and tries hard in school. His best subjects are
> math and language, but he is competent in all areas. He can get around on
> his own and has good mobility skills. Jimmy has been living in our City Life
> Project for the last few years in an apartment with the other older Bethel
> boys. Even though he's one of the oldest kids, he doesn't mind showing
> affection and giving his Bethel mama a hug. Let's find him a family!
> __._,_.___
>   _____
> Posted by: Becky De Nooy <goforwand22 at yahoo.com
> <mailto:goforwand22 at yahoo.com> >
>   _____
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