[blparent] {Disarmed} FW: Thank you!

Deborah Kent Stein dkent5817 at att.net
Sun Feb 21 20:54:35 UTC 2016

From: Disabled Parenting Project [mailto:rpowell=brandeis.edu at mail70.atl51.rsgsv.net] On Behalf Of Disabled Parenting Project
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 1:56 PM
To: dkent5817 at att.net
Subject: Thank you!

We recently sent out a call for participants for our study. In order to ensure that our study reflects the diversity of the disability community, we are still looking for parents with intellectual disabilities as well as Deaf parents. Accommodations are available, including interpreters and CART.

Also, a huge thanks to all who have contacted us to be interviewed! The interest has been tremendous and we look forward to speaking with many of you in the weeks to come!

Please know that this study is only one very small part of our project! There will be many ways to participate once the website soon launches!



If you are a parent with a disability, the Disabled Parenting Project wants to talk with you about your experiences! Specifically, we are seeking parents willing to share their stories. Video interviews will be posted, in part or whole, on the Disabled Parenting Project’s website for others to learn from.

To volunteer, you must:

*	Be a parent with a disability
*	Have at least one child under the age of 18
*	Live in the United States
*	Speak English
*	Be 18 or older

To thank you for being interviewed, we will pay you a $50 Amazon gift card.

Interested? Please contact Robyn Powell at rpowell at brandeis.edu <mailto:rpowell at brandeis.edu>

Privacy: Your participation is completely voluntary. Nothing will happen to any services you receive if you decide not to take part. A summary of the interview will be shared in our publications but will not identify you in any way. With your permission, your first name will be published on the Disabled Parenting Project’s website along with the recorded interview.


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