[blParent] (Tomorrow - Saturday 8/21/2021) Online Blind Parents Support Group at 7pm EST
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 02:00:57 UTC 2021
*Online Support Group for Blind and Visually Impaired Parents*
*August 2021 Meeting*
Saturday, August 21, 2021
7pm – 8:30pm EST
Zoom Information below
*Monthly Meetings*:3rd Saturdays of the month from 7pm to 8:30pm EST
*Open to all blind and Visually Impaired parents and enthusiasts!!!*
*Guest Speaker**: LisaMaria Martinez, Chair of the National Blind Parents
Group - National Federation of the Blind *
*Hosted by the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania*
*For more information, please contact:*
Stacie Leap, Chair, Blind Parents Group of the NFB of PA
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 9737 1396
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 927 9737 1396
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adZC560oAj
Join by Skype for Business
*Stacie Leap, CPE, CPS*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania: Keystone
Cambodian (Khmer) Interpreter
Intern, 3S Technologies LLC
Mental Health First Aid USA Instructor
Volunteer, Eyes Like Mine INC
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Facilitator
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