[blParent] FRIDAY: Parents Mash-Up at the NFB of PA State Convention 2022!!!!

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 04:59:34 UTC 2022

Hello all!

So excited to meet up with everybody at the convention.

This year, the Blind Parents Group and the Pennsylvania Organization of
Parents of Blind Children have their meetings back to back as well as in
the same room!

With that, we are combining the two meetings together via the virtual world
for those who cannot make it to convention but still want to listen into
the two meetings!

National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania State Convention 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Parents Mash-up!!
8AM - 9:30AM E: Blind Parents Group
9:30AM - 11:45AM ET: Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children
Both meetings will have fascinating panelists and presenters! You
definitely do not want to miss it! Both meetings will use the same Zoom
room and that information is below!

Blind Parents Group Agenda:
Welcome and Introductions
1st Panel: Blind Parents and their experiences (Panelists include: Yvonne
Hughes, Goddest Johnson, Christine Palmer and Qutrina Townes)
2nd Panel: Children of Blind Parents and their experiences (Panelists
include: Gabrielle Byrd. Deon Hughes, and Aniyah Palmer)
Presentation by Karl Smith, our National Rep for this year!

The Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children will also have a
wonderful lineup of speakers and presentations along with a tactile art
activity! Agenda to come soon!
For More Information, Please Contact the Following Individuals:
Blind Parents Group: Stacie, Chair  at stacie.leap at gmail.com
Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children (PAOPBC): Emily
Gindlesperger, President at vp2 at nfbp.org

Topic: NFB of PA 2022 State Convention: Parents Mash-Up
Time: Nov 11, 2022 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741

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