[blParent] Fwd: [tech-vi Announce List] Top 5 Inappropriate Roblox Games Parents Should Watch Out For
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 16:28:06 UTC 2022
Hello all:
Please see below for more information on inappropriate Roblox games.
*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
---------- Forwarded message ---------On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:33 PM Karen
Rose <rose.karen1234 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Stacy, this is Karen. I did not know if you saw this article but I
> thought it would be great for your blind parents. The article is talking
> about a popular game for children but makes note of some inappropriate
> content. In my opinion, this would be content that would be hard for a
> blind parent to know that is there. This points out some inappropriate
> content. Good article. Pass it on to BLIND inside of parents as well
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* David Goldfield <david.goldfield at outlook.com>
> *Date:* September 1, 2022 at 8:15:08 PM EDT
> *To:* List <tech-vi at groups.io>
> *Subject:* *[tech-vi Announce List] Top 5 Inappropriate Roblox Games
> Parents Should Watch Out For*
> *Reply-To:* tech-vi at groups.io
> VPNoverview.com - Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 5:56 PM
> Top 5 Inappropriate Roblox Games Parents Should Watch Out For
> Click here for a summary of this article
> Top 5 Inappropriate Roblox Games: A Quick Guide
> It’s no shocker that the gaming platform Roblox is immensely popular with
> children. Unfortunately, many have pointed out that some games are *quite
> inappropriate for young minds*.
> We scoped out some that have been causing a stir among critics and parents
> and compiled a list of the *top five Roblox games* that aren’t suitable
> for young children:
> 1. *Poppy Playtime*
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/#1-poppy-playtime-a-horror-game-in-a-toy-factory>:
> A horror game with children’s toys
> 2. *Survive the Killer
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/#2-survive-the-killer-you-can-kill-or-be-killed>*:
> A chasing game where one player is the “killer”
> 3. *Club Iris
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/#3-club-iris-club-experience-for-youngsters>*:
> A virtual dance club game
> 4. *Vibe Place*
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/#4-vibe-place-a-chill-spot-where-anything-goes>:
> A relaxing virtual spot that doubles as a chat room
> 5. *Fashion Famous*
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/#5-fashion-famous-looks-arent-everything>:
> An online fashion contest with questionable options
> Want to learn what these games are all about and why they’re inappropriate
> for young kids? Concerned about what Roblox could be exposing your children
> to? We’ve broken it all down for you in the guide below.
> In this day and age, there’s plenty of technology and entertainment that
> fascinates kids, *but at the same time worries parents* — gaming
> sensation Roblox is a perfect example of this. It’s got children around the
> world absolutely hooked. It’s estimated that over 50 million users
> <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1192573/daily-active-users-global-roblox/>
> log in to play every single day. About half of those users are under 13
> years old.
> Some parents have noticed that their kids were playing inappropriate
> Roblox games featuring *machete-wielding killers* chasing down players,
> or even onscreen characters *engaged in sex acts*. While the graphics and
> visuals aren’t as high-res and realistic as most video games, the
> inappropriate nature of the content couldn’t be ignored.
> Though Roblox has banned and blocked some very controversial games, some
> parents are still concerned about a handful of titles that linger around
> Roblox. We’ve researched and rounded up five of them in our guide below.
> ------------------------------
> How Roblox Games Can Be Inappropriate for Kids
> [image: Warning signs of a video game addiction]
> Roblox
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-roblox-safe/>
> isn’t like regular video game studios or platforms. On the platform, anyone
> can create and publish games, so there are definitely going to be some
> games with inappropriate elements. While *sex*, *violence*, and *horror
> elements* certainly concern parents, it’s not only the content that makes
> Roblox a questionable place for kids to play online games.
> Many Roblox games are multiplayer games, which means your child can get
> into contact with anyone playing at the same time through *in-game chat
> features*. Moreover, *gamers can talk to each other within the app*.
> Both of these features allow for *cyberbullying and inappropriate remarks*
> to your child. Worst case scenario, your child could interact with adults
> pretending to be kids or be groomed by an online predator
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/protect-kids-from-online-predators/>
> .
> While our list is primarily concerned with content, parents likely
> shouldn’t ignore these concerns either.
> ------------------------------
> The 5 Most Inappropriate Roblox Games for Kids
> We’ve put together a list of the top five games that get parents in a
> twist, and for good reason. Whether it’s jump scares or adult-themed
> content, these titles feature elements that many parents have deemed a
> little too much for kids.
> 1. Poppy Playtime: A horror game in a toy factory
> [image: Screenshot of Roblox game, Poppy Playtime]
> Poppy Playtime is one of many *Roblox horror games*. It was originally
> created by indie-developer MOB Games. The premise of the game is that
> you’re a former employee of a toy production company. You return to the
> factory ten years after all of its staff disappeared and need to solve
> puzzles while you encounter *heart-pounding horror scenarios* and *terrifying
> creatures and characters*.
> The character most likely to haunt the dreams of (young) players is the
> first chapter’s main antagonist, *Huggy Wuggy*. At first glance, he
> appears to be a cuddly soft blue creature, until he reveals rows of
> razor-sharp teeth and a knack for chasing down players at seemingly
> impossible speeds.
> You can get a *glimpse of Huggy Wuggy* as gaming streamer Markiplier runs
> through Chapter 1 <https://youtu.be/RKQGRPoDV_I> of the official game on
> his YouTube channel. Some other cute-sounding yet sinister-looking
> characters — Kissy Missy, Mommy Long Legs and Boogie Bot — have made
> appearances in the game.
> The Ineqe Safeguarding Group, a Belfast, Northern Ireland-based group
> specializing in keeping children safe online and off, has reported that the
> game could cause different issues
> <https://ineqe.com/2021/12/03/poppy-playtime-online-safety-review/> for
> some children. This could be “added anxiety and stress,” the “intrusive
> thoughts” of a new Boogey Man in Huggy Wuggy, as well as developing “new
> fears” of toys coming to life.
> 2. Survive the Killer: You can kill or be killed
> [image: Screenshot of Roblox game, Survive the killer]
> Survive the Killer is one of many games on Roblox where the graphic
> content isn’t too shocking, but the *premise of the game is*. The
> characters in Survive the Killer may not look particularly realistic, but
> that doesn’t mean this game is appropriate for young children.
> The premise of the game is to run, hide, and eventually escape from *someone
> who is trying to murder you*. Alternatively, a user might end up playing
> as the killer. Truth be told, this was one of the more *anxiety-inducing
> games* our 27-year-old reviewer said they’ve tested. After all, if you’re
> one of the players being chased, you constantly *feel pressured to move
> and flee*.
> Since you have no idea where the killer is, you don’t know where you
> should be fleeing to. To exacerbate this, the game is dark and the layout
> of the map is confusing. Even the goriest and most realistic horror games
> from big-time studios give you an idea of where you’re at and what you’re
> supposed to do.
> If you want to see how the game works, you can watch a video of gaming
> streamer SpyCakes playing the game <https://youtu.be/Rlgcg1UuryM> from
> the point of view of the killer. In this case, he played the infamous
> Slender Man as he hunted down other players.
> 3. Club Iris: Club experience for youngsters
> [image: Screenshot of Roblox game, Club Iris]
> With over 130 million visits, Club Iris, by Infamous Productions, is one
> of the more popular games on Roblox. It has somewhat of a seedy reputation,
> as it’s essentially a *nightclub experience for young players*. It’s also
> known as a place where a lot of *Oders (Roblox lingo for online daters)*
> congregate. Online dating is strictly against Roblox’s policy, considering
> its popularity with kids. Nevertheless, it can still happen here in this
> Roblox dance club.
> Club Iris is mainly a dance game, but at times it appears to be more of a
> girls’ dance club. Stories have surfaced on online forums about *users
> soliciting and giving lap dances*. They do this to earn “Robux,” which is
> the in-game currency of Roblox games.
> Other users have described unwanted sexual advances
> <https://www.robloxforum.com/threads/club-iris-is-hell.63358/> from other
> players in the club. When we checked out the game, it was as unrealistic
> from a visual point of view, as most other games on the platform.
> Nevertheless, exposing children to this sort of behavior sends the wrong
> message.
> There are also beds in the game, where players can supposedly go to *perform
> inappropriate acts* on each other. We didn’t notice any of these acts
> personally in the game. However, we did notice plenty of inappropriate
> dancing and scantily-clad avatars. Most parents that have come across this
> game feel it’s better to be safe than sorry and tell their children to
> avoid it.
> 4. Vibe Place: A chill spot where anything goes
> [image: Screenshot of Roblox game, Vibe Place]
> Vibe Place is an interesting game, as it doesn’t seem to have an
> objective, apart from “vibing,” hanging out, and listening to music. Though
> there aren’t many public reviews or complaints on this one, we found *potentially
> disturbing elements* when our reviewer went in to check the vibe.
> The main issues we encountered were simply due to the chat features. Since
> there are no real goals or missions, players generally just come in and
> interact with one another. Right away, our reviewer observed *sexually-charged
> chats* and other inappropriate topics. This is quite distressing,
> considering Roblox’s young user base.
> Furthermore, the bed that appears in Vibe Place is often used in a
> suggestive way. In videos of this game on YouTube, we’ve seen players
> attempting to kiss or touch each other’s avatars in a sexual way. A simple
> YouTube search of “Vibe Place Roblox Kissing” will show you what we mean.
> Granted, every group of gamers is different and they might not all discuss
> sexual topics. Nevertheless, this happened in *three out of five games* that
> we joined. Any game where you leave young players to their own devices
> could be a hotbed for inappropriate activity.
> 5. Fashion Famous: Looks aren’t everything
> [image: Screenshot of Roblox game, Fashion Famous]
> Fashion Famous is a game about (you guessed it) fashion. It might seem out
> of place on this list, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. The game
> chooses a theme, which the players will have to adhere to as they choose an
> outfit.
> Players are spawned in a large area that has many different types of
> clothing to choose from. Finally, gamers *present their fashionable
> creations on the runway*. Other players will give them a rating from 1 to
> 5 stars. The goal is to become the player with the highest rating.
> While this doesn’t sound too bad, one mother, Shona Hendley, found Fashion
> Famous particularly disturbing when she observed her two young girls
> playing it. She noted that it shifted from “a fun dress-up game” into a
> competition where players can not only change their outfits, hair color,
> and style, but also their *skin color*, *noses*, *eyes*, and *other
> physical attributes* to walk away with top honors.
> “While I am all for learning about winning and losing, when success is
> based on looks, on personal difference, there is no winner or loser, or at
> least there shouldn’t be,” Hendley wrote on the Australian news site
> Kidspot
> <https://www.kidspot.com.au/parenting/teenager/cybersafety/why-this-mum-banned-her-kids-from-playing-fashion-famous-on-roblox/news-story/034e007e35989ad99ed565d5f9826674>.
> “There should be accepting of difference, of taste, of appearance, not a
> world where it can be changed at the drop of a hat to obtain popularity
> votes.”
> Though not every child may take the competition too seriously, many
> parents agree that changing your appearance and looks — especially physical
> features — to appease others is a value that* shouldn’t be instilled
> early on*.
> ------------------------------
> Tips to Keep Your Child Safe on Roblox
> Apart from avoiding the games we mentioned above, there are other ways to *
> keep your children safe on Roblox*. We’ve compiled some tips that will
> help parents limit exposure and keep tabs on young players.
> [image: Infographic showing tips to keep your child safe on Roblox]
> 1. Inform yourself about Roblox
> While you could *ban Roblox altogether* in your household, children will
> often find a way to play anyway. You can control your own home, but you
> probably can’t control those of their friends. To protect young minds from
> the dangers of Roblox, you need to know how it all works.
> We’ve provided a quick explainer in the next section, but for parents
> looking to take a deep dive, we’ve compiled a complete guide on Roblox
> safety
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-roblox-safe/> and
> whether or not it’s suitable for kids. There are chat features and parental
> controls you can use, as well as ways to set up additional security
> controls and block specific users.
> Perhaps more importantly, parents need to dig in and *understand why kids
> are flocking to this platform* in the first place. This brings us to the
> next tip.
> 2. Talk to your children about Roblox
> Protecting your child online becomes near-impossible when you don’t know
> how they’re spending their time on their devices. This might happen because
> of a simple lack of communication, or because your child is scared of being
> critiqued. They might feel *their parents don’t understand the things
> they like*.
> Everyone likes talking about their passions, and children are no
> exception. By showing a *positive and curious attitude regarding Roblox*,
> you can invite your child to open up to you. This way, you’ll be up-to-date
> on their online lives and able to *take action when necessary*. On top of
> that, children tend to respond to suggestions and warnings in a more
> positive way when you show you understand their interests.
> 3. Play Roblox with your child
> Playing Roblox yourself, if time and personal interest allow, is a great
> way to *learn about the games and their risks*. You can study up and take
> our word for it, but you’ll never fully understand the platform until
> you’ve jumped in and played it yourself.
> While playing, you can decide for yourself exactly which games have
> inappropriate elements. You might even find some things we missed.
> Moreover, it gives you a chance to observe your child in real time while
> playing. This won’t just keep them safe, but can also be a *fun bonding
> activity*.
> 4. Use Roblox’s safety settings
> Roblox offers parents ways to protect their children *by adjusting
> certain settings*. A good start is to adjust Roblox’s “Account
> Restrictions.” This means you can restrict communication from bullying
> players or potential groomers.
> By enabling restrictions, your child will be *unable to receive messages
> on Roblox* or partake in in-game or in-app chatting. Other users will
> also be unable to find your child’s account using their phone number.
> To enable Account Restrictions, follow these steps:
> 1. Open the *Roblox app* and log into your child’s account.
> 2. Tap on the *three dots* in the bottom right corner.
> 3. Go to “*Settings*.”
> 4. Tap on “*Privacy*.”
> 5. Under “*Account Restrictions*,” simply tap the* slider switch* to
> make it green and enable restrictions.
> [image: Screenshot of the Roblox website showing the "Account
> Restrictions" setting]
> Roblox also offers “*Parental Controls*.” These useful settings allow
> you, among other things, to set a four-digit pin. This pin has to be
> inserted to change the account’s settings. This is an excellent way to make
> sure your child doesn’t tamper with their account’s settings.
> In order to make a pin, you will first have to *fill out your email
> address* under “Account Info.” After, you simply *verify your email
> address* by clicking on a button in an email that Roblox will send you.
> 5. Use a parental control app
> Many parental control apps
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/best-parental-control-apps/>
> aren’t as useful for monitoring Roblox activity, since they’re aimed at
> keeping an eye on social media apps. Even so, they can enforce screen time
> limits, allow you to monitor chats, and have advanced *location-tracking*
> and *geo-fencing* features.
> Parental control apps can be particularly useful when your child uses
> Roblox in combination with other websites. This comes with significant
> dangers, too. Some online predators might try to *lure players away from
> Roblox* and onto less controlled platforms like Reddit
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-reddit-safe/> or
> Discord
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-discord-safe/>.
> While you can tweak Roblox’s security settings, you want to make sure you
> child isn’t venturing off into other unapproved parts of the internet.
> Parental controls can help here.
> ------------------------------
> How Does Roblox Work?
> [image: What is Roblox icon]Roblox is not technically a game. Rather,
> it’s *a gaming platform* similar to Steam, Rockstar, and Uplay. On
> Roblox, you can buy and play many different games.
> These games are all *created by Roblox users*, which is how Roblox is
> unique in its setup. Anyone who learns the basic tools and programming
> language used on Roblox (Lua) can create a game. This is obviously quite
> different from having big-time studio developers put their games on the
> platform.
> While this is an inventive and creative idea, it also explains why some of
> the games are quite inappropriate: *anyone can make one*. If you combine
> this with the fact the platform is incredibly popular among children, the
> potential dangers quickly become clear.
> Roblox has banned a lot of dirty games
> Due to parental complaints, Roblox has significantly *improved as far as
> children’s safety goes*. Especially when it comes to sexual content, the
> platform used to have a lot more inappropriate games than it does now.
> For instance, Roblox has removed most of its so-called “condos “or “condo
> games.” These games involve *user-generated “hangout” spaces* where
> players can talk about sex and have their characters engage in sexual
> activities. An example of such a deleted game is the notorious and very
> inappropriate “*Shedletsky’s dirty place*.” As far as we can tell, the
> original version of “*Shower simulator*,” another questionable game, has
> also been banned.
> Furthermore, Roblox has *banned certain features from games that they
> deemed inappropriate*. An example of this is the “parties” feature from
> Meep City. Many complained about this feature, as it allowed many players
> to make inappropriate, sexual remarks and partake in similar actions. An
> often-cited example involves players wearing shirts with “Pornhub” printed
> on the front.
> Regardless of these bans, some of the games on Roblox can still be *harmful
> or simply inappropriate* for children. We made our top 5 list to make
> parents aware of the most popular questionable games.
> ------------------------------
> Inappropriate Roblox Games: Wrapping Up
> With the internet at their feet, any kind of content can be available to
> children at the press of a button. Even seemingly safe spaces like Roblox
> can harbor *inappropriate game content* and *harmful communication* from
> other users.
> When it comes to Roblox games, parents should keep an eye out for:
> 1. *Poppy Playtime*
> 2. *Survive the Killer*
> 3. *Club Iris*
> 4. *Vibe Space*
> 5. *Fashion Famous*
> While it wouldn’t be wise for very young children to take part in these
> games, older kids might feel very drawn to them. It’s important to
> communicate with your child and make them aware of the risks.
> Aside from inappropriate games, parents should also be aware of the *dangers
> of cyberbullying* and the threat of *online predators*. By avoiding
> chat-focused games and following the safety tips in this article, you can
> drastically decrease the probability of your child getting harmed by using
> Roblox.
> Inappropriate content on Roblox is just one of the worries parents face
> online today. We’ve dedicated an entire section of our website to *help
> guardians navigate the murky waters of online threats for children*. Is
> your child active on other social media? Make sure to check out our full
> parental guides on Snapchat
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-snapchat-safe/>,
> Instagram
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-instagram-safe-for-kids/>
> and TikTok
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-tiktok-safe-for-kids/>
> .
> Inappropriate Roblox Games: Frequently Asked Questions
> Do you have a question about inappropriate Roblox games? Check out our FAQ
> to see if we’ve already answered your question below. If we haven’t, you
> can leave us a comment down below and we’ll get back to you as soon as
> possible.
> Roblox itself is not a game. It’s a platform that contains user-made
> games. However, some of these games can definitely be considered
> inappropriate for kids, such as Survive the Killer, Club Iris, or Vibe
> Place. Check out our full guide on inappropriate Roblox games
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/>
> for more information.
> Based on research and parental reviews and complaints, we managed to
> identify five Roblox games we would NOT recommend for (young) kids:
> 1. Poppy Playtime
> 2. Survive the Killer
> 3. Club Iris
> 4. Vibe Place
> 5. Fashion Famous
> Check out our full guide on inappropriate Roblox games
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/inappropriate-roblox-games/>
> for a short explanation of the dangers of each of these games.
> It isn’t possibly to directly block certain games on Roblox. You can,
> however, use Roblox’s parental control options and enable “Account
> Restrictions” to stay in control. Our full guide on keeping your child
> safe on Roblox
> <https://vpnoverview.com/internet-safety/kids-online/is-roblox-safe/>
> tells you how to use these features.
> There most certainly is. While there are many fun and innocent games on
> Roblox, there are definitely risks to watch out for. Some games involve
> violent content or scary scenarios, for example. Then there are also games
> where players are known to often make sexual remarks or simulate sexual
> acts. Finally, there is a risk of child predators approaching your children
> in chats and other communication.
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> David Goldfield
> Assistive Technology Specialist
> Feel free to visit my Web site
> WWW.DavidGoldfield.info
> _._,_._,_
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