[blParent] Potty training my son

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 00:56:45 UTC 2025


As a grand parent, the easiest thing to do is to place him on the potty if
you think he has to go.  You'll have several false starts, and wet diapers
with missed opportunities, but that is okay.  It will eventually come

You can also offer the potty if you notice his natural schedule and ask at
those times.

There are also books and videos that help introduce the potty concept to


"Embrace each day with His mercies and blessings."

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From: BlParent <blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Esoteric Quality
via BlParent
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 4:02 PM
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Cc: Esoteric Quality <eqmusicofficial at gmail.com>
Subject: [blParent] Potty training my son


My son is almost 2 years old, and he is showing signs that he is about
ready for potty training. What are the most effective ways to potty train
my son? For those of you who have boys, what tips and strategies have
worked best for you?

Thank you.

Clayton Jacobs
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