[Cabs-talk] Visual art class

Bruce Sexton Jr. bjsexton at comcast.net
Fri Aug 28 16:05:11 UTC 2009

Hello interested art persons,

I took an Ancient Art History class and received a "B".  The professor had two exams. One exam was multiple choice and the other essay.  The essay exam was given every two weeks, just as frequently as the multiple choice exam, but was intended to punish those who were unable to sit for the multiple choice exam.  It was 7 questions and each required a one page response.  You guessed it, the professor had me take the punishment test every two weeks.  I used the book, lectures and someone to read, or describe a picture to me, when necessary, in order to fully answer the essay questions.  Often times the lecture and text book gave ample descriptions so I did not need a reader.  However, Mary is correct, the person I used when I did not understand a flying buttress, was someone knowledgeable of what one was.  This wound up being someone who had already taken the course.  

Prior to my professor forcing me to take the written exam, I had thought to print the pictures that he had on the internet, make a detailed description of it on the backside, and when it came to multiple choice questions, when the person would begin their description of the picture, I thought I'd be able to describe the remaining portion.  

Or, I would have them give a vague description and they'd give me what the multiple choice answers were and I'd give them my answer to bubble in.  However, the essay questions worked well and the other system of Quasi  multiple choice looks like it would have been more trouble then it was worth.  Again, with my in class notes, and my textbook, I was able to do almost all the tests independently.  Let me tell you, writing 7 pages every two weeks while taking statistics, Oceanography plus lab, ecology and  Social Anthropology was no easy task.  I received all "A's and "B's" that semester though.  It was my last semester at the community college just before transferring to UC Berkeley!  

I truly hope that helps anyone taking a visual-based  art class!  If anyone has questions about my experiences through college thus far, please don't hesitate to write on or off list.  My email address is: bjsexton at comcast.net .


Bruce, President


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