[Cabs-talk] Seeking Volunteers

Aziza C daydreamingncolor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 20:06:07 UTC 2009

Hi all,

As the CABS First Vice-President, I will be running the monthly CABS
membership meetings. I am looking for a volunteer to take minutes for
me during these meetings. The only requirements are:

1: Consistent attendance at meetings.
2: THe ability to take efficient notes.
3: The ability to read said notes at the meeting following the meeting
they were taken at.
4: The willingness to email me the notes after each meeting for review
so that I can then send them to our secretary for filing.

If anyone is interested in this please email me off list, and we will
see what can be worked out.

Thank you.u
Aziza Cano
California Association of Blind Students, First Vice-President
Channel Islands Chapter, Secretary
Young Energetic Students Supporting Independence, President

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