[Cabs-talk] Advice for summer programs?

kwakmiso at aol.com kwakmiso at aol.com
Sat Apr 23 16:10:46 UTC 2011

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a summer program to attend.
Situation is a little complicated.

I initially considered attending a summer program for high school 
students in the Colorado Center for the Blind. I was actually accepted 
too but when I contacted California Department of Rehab, my counselor 
told me that the depertment will not be able to provide funding for me, 
because it's out of state, while there are similar programs in 

I take my academics quite seriously. While I was thinking about what 
courses I will be taking in my junior year(next school year) and senior 
year, I started considering to go to summer school.
I applied for a physics class. If I get accepted and take the class, I 
will have 4 years of science including one I am taking in next year. I 
will not have to do a science in my senior year.
There is no 100% guarantee, but it seems like I will be able to get a 
spot in the class.
If I end up being not accepted I think I will go to Colorado.
According to youth program director in Colorado Center for the Blind, 
they will be able to write letter of justification to CA Department of 
That's one way it may turn out.

But since there is pretty high chance of getting in to summer physics 
class, I have been searching for other programs.
The summer school is 6 weeks long, ending on Jul. 14th.
I will have about a month of time.

I want to spend this summer focusing on academics and living skills 
such as traveling and cooking skills.
Thinking that I will be accepted to the summer class, is there any way 
I can spend rest of summer focusing on living skills?
Would 3 weeks long STEP program offered by Junior Blind of America a 
good choice?
Are there any other suggestions?
It doesn't have to be residential program.
If there is any way I can get mobility lesson throughout the summer, it 
would be good as well.

I would appreciate your opinions and suggestions as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Miso Kwak

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