[Cabs-talk] Thank you!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 04:41:31 UTC 2011

Fellow California Students,

I would personally like to thank the california students who took the
time this sunday afternoon to attend the most recent National
Association of Blind Students membership call regarding scholarships.
  Aside from the  oppertunity to gain some important information and
the oppertunity to both ask questions and have them answered, it is
very important for us to be present and a part of our greater student
movement, in order to show solidarity in our cause and   commitment to
serving  not just the blind students of our state, but our nation.
History shows that the power of our collective action  and our
unwavering leadership are key to  the success of not only students,
but our movement  from a global organizational standpoint, as it (when
taken  with great care and  seriousness)serves to fuel the
regeneration our organization undergoes   as generations grow,
connect and work together.
  So let us not forget the roots of our student movement, their
importantce, and the role we all play in it, as we move forward to
sustain our  cause and philosiphy.
Darian Smith
 Board member
membership chair
 National association of blind students
2nd vice-president
 california association of blind students

"You could be shown the road, given the vehicle, even handed the key.
But only you can have the drive."

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