[Cabs-talk] The CABS June membership call: What is CABS

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Tue May 21 20:00:37 UTC 2013

Do you know what  the California Association of Blind Students(CABS)is?

have you ever heard of CABS, gone to a seminar  or convention, but just want to know more about what those four letters mean?

Are you currently struggling with an issue  in high-school or college, and would like some  help figuring it out?

Are you needing assistance navigating your relationship with Voc Rehab and could use some pointers? 

Do you want to  know  more about the type of technology out there  that blind  people use? or want  some advice on how to become more socially active  with your peers?   

Do you want to be a part of changing the social, educational and  vocational possibilities  for blind students?

Do you wonder  if  the NFB is for you  because you are sighted or don't identify as being blind?
Then We want to invite you  to "what is CABS? and what's in it for me?
 on Sunday, June nine at 4:00 p.m. come  and meet fellow students,  including those  of us who serve on the  California Association  of  Blind  Students board. 
 Learn about how  CABS and the NFB can help you and how you can get connected with a vast network of successful blind people  who are professionals, students, parents and much more.
 Share your stories and questions.  As well,  share your talents;  we want your help in creating  boundless possibilities  for  students today and for years to come!.

 Call (218) 339 - 2500, and enter code 958093.
  We look forward to having you join us!

    The California Association of Blind Students.

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