[Cabs] water parks and canes

Maryann Migliorelli maryannmigs at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 07:01:36 UTC 2012

Hello Federation family,

I was wondering what you do with your canes when you want to visit a water
park?  I have a season pass for Elitch Gardens and want to know what
techniques people use for navigating the water park.

The dry parts of the park are just fine except for the ride operators who
still ask if I have one of the disability permission passes, but that's
another matter entirely.  How do you successfully navigate water slides and
rides that don't permit loose articles and drop you off somewhere different
from where you got on?


Thanks for all of your ideas.  Perhaps if people are interested we should
plan a social outing to Elitches over the summer.


Maryann Migliorelli

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