[Cabs] CABS Conference Call Tomorrow!

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Sun Sep 23 23:44:46 UTC 2012

Still at my sunday afternoon church group.
Hopeing that it will get out early and I will be on the call.
So will see you all hopefully tonight.  If not will see those of you at the 
cabs seminar in greeley.
It will be held in aspen A.
There is construction going on so you need to come in on the bottom level of 
the university center.  The ballroom is on the second floor.  Ask for 
directions at the information desk.
I am still in cvontact with subway about food.
Its almost solidified.

Melissa and Pj

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arielle Silverman" <arielle71 at gmail.com>
To: "arozier" <arozier at cocenter.org>; "Maryann Migliorelli" 
<maryannmigs at gmail.com>; "Esha Mehta" <dreamer2289 at gmail.com>; "codyjbair" 
<codyjbair at yahoo.com>; "Amelia Dickerson" <ameliadickerson at gmail.com>; 
<graduate56 at juno.com>
Cc: "Colorado Association of Blind Students List" <cabs at nfbnet.org>; 
<colorado-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: CABS Conference Call Tomorrow!

Hi all,
CABS will be having a conference call tomorrow (Sunday, Sept. 23) to
discuss planning for state convention. The call, as always, will begin
at 7:00 p.m. To participate please dial:
and enter passcode 587726.
Arielle Silverman, Secretary, CABS

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