[Cabs] Have You Signed It, Yet?

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Mon Apr 15 03:10:35 UTC 2013

By now I hope everyone has signed the petition to 
change the law so that it will no longer be legal 
to pay sub minimum wages to workers with 
disabilities. If you have not done so please do it 
now? It takes less than a minute -- and will help 
change the future for the better.

Some of you probably weren't around to vote in 
various Civil Rights legislation 50 years ago...

You almost certainly missed out on being able to 
change the laws so women *could* vote...

But you don't have to miss out on this change. A 
change which many millions of Americans didn't 
believe could possibly be true -- but it was and 
is -- right here in our own America.

Yes, it's true. Right now companies are legally 
using a loophole in the legislation to be allowed 
to pay workers who have a disability, workers they 
obviously think are worth hiring, a mere pennies 
per hour for their work.

We can't call them "sweatshops," really -- because 
they're LEGAL! But it's not right, certainly not 
any kind of a "Fair Wage," and we're asking you... 
I'M ASKING YOU... to please click on the link 
below, and add your name to the petition.

Help put these Obstructors of Justice in their 
place. Organizations such as Good Will, for 
example, pay these pathetic pennies per hour to 
the very people they supposedly want to help. 
Sign on now, please?

Simply go to 

Thanks for helping to change what it means to be 
blind -- or disabled!

May God Bless Your Efforts!
NFB of Colorado Springs

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