[Cabs] Colorado asociation of guide dog users(COAGDU) candle fundraiser: Giving the Gift of Warmth & Smells.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Wed Dec 16 03:18:35 UTC 2015

Giving the Gift of Warmth &

A fund raiser supporting the
Colorado Association of Guide
Dog Users (COAGDU)


It is almost that time of year
when the smells of turkey,
ham, mashed potatoes and green
bean casseroles along with
candied yams and baked yeast
rolls fill the air in many of
our friends and families
homes. Oh! And let's not
forget the smells from the
pecan pies, sweet potato pies
and other baked goods.

The wonderful smells of winter
are coming soon as well. The
tantalizing whiffs of crisp
air, pine trees, cinnamon and
wood smoke fill our senses.
All of these wonderful aromas
make us feel great and fill us
with robust excitement for the
approaching holidays; where
families will come together to
sit down and share love, food,
and ever lasting memories.

This fund raiser will support
the Colorado Association of
Guide Dog Users (COAGDU) and
will allow us to build up our
treasury so that we can
develop a number of different
types of literature that can
be distributed to schools and
businesses.  Our goal is to
educate the public about the
five "(5) "Ws" of our mission.
The five (5) "Ws" will explain
the following: who we are,
what we do, why we do it,
where we are going, and when
we expect to get there.  The
funds will also allow us to
send board members to other
guide dog related events
around the state and country
to start other divisions such
as this one, and also assist
our national guide dog
division with furthering the
work that will give our many
guide dog and service dog
teams the freedom that they


How the fund raiser will work:

o   Go to the Yankee Candle
web site:

o   Use the group number which
is (990073097) 

o   Click on the start
shopping button to start
looking for candles or any of
their many good smelling items
that they have to offer.  

o   When you make your
purchase, COAGDU will receive
a percentage of 40% from the
items that you have purchased.

o   If there are guys reading
this, don't think that candles
are just for the ladies
because Yankee Candle does
offer a line of candles and
other products that are made
just for us too.  

o   If you are looking at the
catalogue, please remember
that orders need to be in by
November 13, 2015 and if
ordering online then orders
need to be in at least by
January 2016.  You can order
off line any time if you'd
rather do that and there is
also a new fun APP for Yankee
Candle, where you can order on
it instead of using the
computer, visit your App store
on your "smart phone" and
download the App today.

o   If you need a catalogue,
please contact me at
dspears at cocenter.org or (303)
778-1130 Ext. 246 and leave me
your contact information so
that I can get one out to you
as soon as "dogly" possible.
Depending on how the mail
runs, then it may be easier to
just order online to insure
that you get your products on

Note: The catalogue that you
would be receiving is one that
you can rub any of the pages
and it will give off a scent
that you can smell so that you
will know what some of the
products that Yankee Candle
offers smell like and that you
may want to purchase.

Thank you for giving your
support to the Colorado
Association of Guide Dog Users
(COAGDU), and have yourself a
sniffy holiday and a waggy new


Please spread this email to
all of your social networks



Melissa R. Green and Pj

Inside every guide dog beats
the heart of a puppy raiser.


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