[Capchapohio] April Chapter Meeting

eric duffy eduffy at deltav.org
Wed Mar 24 02:06:19 UTC 2010

We will discuss this topic at our March chapter meeting, but I 
would like a response from the list as well.  The final decision 
will be made by the members present on Saturday.

April is a busy month, and we need to decide what to do about our 
April chapter meeting.
On the tenth of April we will be host aa technology fair with the 
Springfield and Miami Valley chapters.  April 24 is the board of 
directors meeting in Toledo.  That really leaves April 17 for the 
meeting date.  I have to work that Saturday.  This means that 
Beth will have to run the chapter meeting.  That is perfectly 
fine provided Beth is available.  Is the 17th a good meeting date 
for others.  Please reply so that your comments can be added to 
the discussion on Saturday.  Beth of course, I absolutely must 
hear from you.  If I don't see a reply, I will be calling you 
before Saturday.

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