[Capchapohio] 2010 Goalball Practice Schedule and rules attached]

Jim Debus jdebus at clemson.edu
Fri Sep 3 18:46:10 UTC 2010

Dear Goalball enthusiasts,

     Another exciting year of Goalball is on the horizon as our first
practice is just ONE WEEK AWAY!  We will hold weekly practices at the
Franklin Park Adventure Center at 1755 E. Broad St. from 4-7pm on
Friday evenings.   We are also looking to add frequent Saturday dates
at OSSB, but we have not determined an exact time as of yet.
     Some of you will get this message twice, and those are the folks who
I have email addresses for.  If you would rather you receive future
notifications via email, please email me at jdebus at clemson.edu.  To
those of you who I have email addresses for, I am sending out a copy
of the International Blind Sports Federation Goalball Rules in both
PDF and text formats.
     As far as equipment is concerned, we strongly encourage athletes to
bring their own pads to practice, or buy a pair of their own, knees,
elbows, hips, etc.  as our supply begins to run very thin, very
     Lastly, we are looking to travel to three tournaments this year
beginning in late Feb to early March.  These tournaments will come at
very little cost to participants due to the amount of funds we have
been able to raise over the last year.  That being said, we are
looking to compete on a very high level and are looking for very
serious individuals to take on trips this season.  I can be reached
either through email, or by calling (586) 876-7359.  Feel free to
pass this information along to anyone you feel might be interested.
Thanks everyone for your time, and I look forward to a great year of
Goalball in Central Ohio!

Jim Debus

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