[Capchapohio] contact info

Beth Debus mbdebus at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 9 13:18:09 UTC 2011

I sent this yesterday, but didn't see it in my email. Sorry if you are getting this twice. Eric I corrected your phone number. Shelley, the contact list was made in excel 2010. This might be the reason you can't open the file. I pasted the file below. Let me know if you have any problems this time.   
Chapter Contact list  
First Name Last Name Phone Email 
Angela Clark 614-846-1342 angie1752 at att.net 
Arnold Shaheen 614-271-2715 aeshaheen at shaheenlawoffice.com  
Beth Debus 586-876-4259 mbdebus at yahoo.com 
Brandon Smoaks 614-800-0897 mrsmoaks at gmail.com 
Carol Akers 614-570-2083 purplecakers at yahoo.com  
Donny Boggs 740-645-3289 steelmusicdonny at yahoo.com 
Eric Duffy 614 377-9877 eduffy at pobox.com 
Guy Nesham 614-948-3379 gnesham at gmail.com  
J W  Smith 740-592-6326 jwsmithnfb at frontier.com 
Jim Debus 586-876-4259 jmdebus at columbus.rr.com 
Joe Williams 614-271-4474 traceysinkovic at hotmail.com 
Katherine Betts 530-321-4358 betts.128 at osu.edu 
Kelly  Prescott 270-978-7846 prescott at deltav.org 
Laverne Nevis 614-476-1866 laverne.nevis at yahoo.com 
Mary Lynn Piepho 614-890-4563 mlpiepho at sbcglobal.net 
Megan Manos 614-589-8868 m_manos25 at yahoo.com 
Ruth Boggs  steelmusicdonny at yahoo.com 
Shelbi Hindel 614-558-8059 shelbiah at att.net 
Shelley Corcoran 614-579-0974 shellsebel at gmail.com 
Shivaji Kumar 614-599-9718 kumar140ster at gmail.com 
Stephanie  Claytor 614-403-5772 chanel2428 at gmail.com 
Tracey Sinkovic 614-271-4474 traceysinkovic at hotmail.com 
Zaheer Sheikh 614-288-1932 cybergeek2020 at gmail.com  
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