[Capchapohio] August meeting minutes

JW Smith jwsmithblind at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 19:54:25 UTC 2015


Now this is what I call timely minutes.





From: Capchapohio [mailto:capchapohio-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Shelbi Hindel via Capchapohio
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 8:00 AM
To: Capital Chapter (Columbus, Ohio) Mailing List <capchapohio at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Shelbi Hindel <shelbiah1 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Capchapohio] August meeting minutes


Pasted below are the minutes from the meeting.




Capital Chapter NFB-OH

August 23, 2015


                President Shelbi Hindel called the meeting to order at 3:03


                In attendance - J. W. Smith, Carol Akers, Shelbi Hindel,
Eric Duffy, Stephanie Claytor, Jim Debus, Beth Debus with children Max and


                Eric moved that the July minutes be approved as circulated.
Stephanie seconded the motion. It passed. J.W. asked if it would be possible
to have the minutes circulated further in advance of the meeting, not the
day of. This should be possible and Shelbi will remind Annette to do this. 


                Stephanie gave the treasurer's report. Our account has
$516.33. Eric moved this report be accepted. J.W. seconded the motion. It


                J.W. said he'd like to see an agenda circulated to the list
prior to the meeting. Shelbi said we would try this but people should
remember it will be a rough draft because things move around based on
attendance and priority of topic. 


                Happy Birthday was sung for those having birthdays in
August, Stephanie and Carol. Beth announced the arrival of their second son,
John. Brownies and lemonade were served. 


                J.W. thinks it would be nice to have a snack at each
meeting. Shelbi provided the snack for this August meeting. J.W. will
provide refreshments for October's meeting. 


                Stephanie reported on the candy bar fundraiser. There are 48
bars in a case. These are almond, mint, caramel, and crunch. It would cost
$110.59 for 3 cases which includes shipping. Angie Clark has notified us on
list that she will sell 1 case. Eric moved that we order 4 cases of candy
bars. J.W. seconded this motion and it passed. 



                The state affiliate is currently sponsoring a fundraiser,
Schwan's Cares. Our campaign number is 21538 which must be used when making
purchases for NFB-OH to receive credit. See the OhioTalk listserv for
details. This fundraiser goes to December 10, 2015. 


                The next NFB Scrip Ohio order is due on Wednesday, September
2, 7 p.m. 


                Shelbi read the motion related to the trust fund that our
chapter received. It is pasted below these minutes so that everyone can
refer to it. This motion was passed by the state board of directors. Sherry
Ruth, state treasurer, is researching CD options for this money because we
want a safe option for investing it. We do not want to take any risks of
loss. The Braille embosser has been ordered and cost $4,961.61. 


                Gavel report information and questionnaires have been sent
out. If you have done anything this year that can be used in this report you
should email it to Shelbi at shelbiah1 at gmail.com
<mailto:shelbiah1 at gmail.com> . Reports are due to Shelbi, chair of the
awards committee,  by email October 4. 


                J.W. gave the division report. He used to be a member of
Blind Educators but isn't any longer involved with the group. It has
primarily changed to focus on elementary and high school education and he is
at the college level. It is a good group and he urges people who are in the
right line of work to be active with the division. It is a national division
without a division in Ohio. J.W. doesn't know who is currently holding the
office of president. A major purpose of this division was to make sure that
sighted personnel don't take advantage of the blind. Adrienne Ash had some
momentum going to revive the college level educators involvement but this
seems to have faded with her death. There is an award given each year from
this group, Blind Educator of the year. Thank you J.W. for this report since
you were put on the spot without any time to prepare. Aleeha Dudley was
going to report but was not at the meeting. Hopefully she can report at the
September meeting. 

                Jim reported that his work place is hiring to fill 4
positions. You must be a print user to be hired. This fact has not changed
in 3 years. It is "Contract Close Out Specialist," and is a Federal position
so the security background check is intensive. 


                NFB will be holding a protest in New York City on Wednesday
because their school board  is going to vote on using an Amazon platform for
books and such in the school system. This is not fully accessible to blind
students and staff. Eric and Shelbi will be attending the protest. 


                We have found that it has worked out very nicely for the
chapter to hold a party at the Ohio State School for the Blind in January
instead of December because schedules are more free and relaxed. We have
named this the Louis Braille party as January is his birthday month. J.W.
moved that we have the Louis Braille party again this school year and make
it special since the money is available. Eric seconded the motion. It
passed. A committee was formed to work on this project. Members are Jim,
Carol, Stephanie. If anyone else would like to join the committee please let
the chapter president know. Jim is going to contact the school for a date
and will report on this at the September meeting. 


                There is interest in changing the day and time of the
meeting to early Saturday morning. Shelbi will discuss this topic with
Pastor Patty and report back to the chapter at the September meeting. 


                J.W. moved that our chapter donate $500 to the church to be
used at their discretion as a thank you for allowing us to hold meetings in
their building without charge and for all the other support that has been
given to us over the years. Eric seconded the motion. It passed. Carol will
purchase a nice card to put the gift in. Shelbi will invite Pastor Patty to
stop by the September meeting so that this can be presented to her. 


                The state board of directors meeting will be held in
Columbus on September 26, starting promptly at 10:00 a.m. The location will
be announced soon on OhioTalk. 


                The Presidential Release was not played because Shelbi broke
the speaker. Without the speaker it would be difficult to have the
appropriate volume level for all to hear. 


                Last year at Christmas time our chapter participated in a
craft bizarre at the church. Members are interested in doing this again. We
learned that baked goods and small items that are priced inexpensively sell
best. Shelbi will talk with Pastor Patty about this project.


                The next meeting will be September 27. Same place, same


                Adjourned 4:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Shelbi Hindel 



Motion from State Board of Directors Meeting, August 6, 2015 

                 A. Capital Chapter has received a large trust fund,
$101,468.28. Shelbi Hindel reported on its delivery. It is important for
everyone to know that President Mark Riccobono is very involved in all
decisions and has given valuable guidance related to this money, from the
very beginning. Barbara gave a brief history of an experience with a former
chapter of NFB-O, Lamplighters Association of the Blind, which did not end
happily because the money was mismanaged. Shelbi assured everyone that the
desire of the officers and the past two state presidents is to handle this
legally and beneficially to the Federation at all levels-national, state,
and chapter. It is long-standing national policy that half of any bequests
received at the state or local level be passed along to the national
organization. This has already been done. President Riccobono recommended
that at least half of the remaining money be contributed to the treasury of
the state affiliate.       


                B. Shelbi moved that $30,000 of the remaining portion of the
trust fund money bequeathed to Capital Chapter be contributed to the state
affiliate with the understanding that out of that money a Braille embosser
and all necessary components for its operation, such as but not limited to
paper and the Duxbury upgrade, be purchased and delivered to the home of
Shelbi Hindel since she is NFB of Ohio secretary and has most need to use
it. Eric is to make the purchasing decisions. Capital Chapter will have
access to the remainder  of the money upon written request of its president,
to be used for projects which are determined and voted on by the members of
the chapter. Any funds that the chapter has not made use of will be absorbed
by the state affiliate to be used at the discretion of the board of
directors after seven years. Should the chapter disband prior to the end of
seven years, the money will be used under the guidelines set by the state
constitution. Deborah seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.     



                c. There was some discussion. Capital Chapter is not a 501C3
entity, so the money needs to stay in the state treasury and be handled this
way. This method also prevents extra paperwork, which is already being done
at the state level.  






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