[Capchapohio] Christmas Party gathering

MariLyn mlpiepho at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 19 12:04:56 UTC 2015

I finally got my previous commitments in December solidified so I know the
dates I can offer to host our chapter member Christmas party at my place.
Assuming we wish it to be on a Friday or Saturday I can offer either
December 11, a Friday or December 19, A Saturday. We can have a potluck
Christmas dinner with activities after such as piano sing alongs either
using the player piano or having someone with talent play it. We could
listen to comedys or play cards, depending on everyone's choice. Just let me
know if you want to come on:
*December 11, 5pm to 10pm
*or December 19, 5pm to 10pm
Please let me know by December 1 so we can see who is bringing what food and
on what date.

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