[CapChapOhio] Chapter news

Annette annettelutz at att.net
Sun Nov 17 21:17:48 UTC 2019


I hope everybody is doing well this great weekend!

I just wanted to update everybody on a couple items from last week‘s chapter meeting.

We held this year‘s elections at last weeks meeting. The following people were elected to serve for the 2020 year.

For president, I am pleased and proud to have been elected to serve another term.

Your vice president will be JW Smith.

Eric Duffy was reelected as our secretary.

Shelly Duffy will now serve as our treasurer.

Misty Hatcher will now be our board member at large.

Thanks to everybody who ran for our board this year. I know all of us are looking forward to serving this chapter and the national Federation of the blind. Congratulations To all.

I also wanted to tell everybody to mark their calendars. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, December 7 at 10 o’clock. After this meeting we will all gather at the rusty bucket on N. High St. for our traditional Christmas lunch. I am hoping our numbers will be very great for this joyous event.

As always, if anybody would like to get a hold of me, please feel free to do so at anytime. I am always open to suggestions and other comments on how to improve our chapter and grow the Federation.

I hope everybody has a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving!

Annette Lutz

Sent from my iPhone

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