[CapChapOhio] October's Meeting Minutes

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 20:24:56 UTC 2021

Meeting Date: October 10, 2021

Start time: 1:10PM

End time: 2:42PM

Attendees: Annette, Misty, Shelby, Shelly, Jordy, and Maggie

Treasurer Report:

Treasury report was posted by Shelly on the list serve.


No questions or additional comments on the treasury report.


Shelby made a motion to Accept the treasury report as it had been

Maggie second the motion.

Treasurer’s report passed by everyone.


Minutes posted by Maggie on the list serve.


No questions or additional comments on the Minutes.


Jordy made a motion to Accept the minutes as they were circulated.

Shelly second the motion.

Minutes passed by everyone.

Old Business: Fundraising with TastefullySimple

Maggie shares the success of our chapter’s fundraising launch party that
took place on October 6th on the Zoom platform. In addition, she provided
information on the two perks our TS consultant is offering the chapter, how
she will be utilizing her personal Facebook page to create an online event,
will provide assistance for anyone that needs help in ordering, and will
initiate all promotional flyers that members should help circulate. Maggie
also gave the breakdown of each percentage of the amounts raised and
amounts that would be donated to the chapter.

Old Business: State Convention

Jordy, suggest we have two virtual tours during our time slots on the state
convention’s agenda. One being a state house tour and possibly the other
being the Columbus zoo tour. He goes even further to state that we need to
fill two, 90-minute time slots. He says that in the event we are not able
to get those arranged, maybe a tour of the Ohio state university or one of
the NFB training centers could be an option. Jordy shares that he has a few
additional ideas, if none of these pan out.

Maggie shares the update on the affiliate shouldering the cost of the
convention’s souvenir, then provided a detail description of the
monogramed, Brailed 75th state convention coaster. She also shares that she
and Jordy will be responsible for shipping out the souvenirs after

Annette discussed how the affiliate will be giving away ten 75-dollar door
prizes and our chapter will be donating 10 customized M&M boxes to go with
those. She also shares how our M&M donation will be in leu of sending in a
cash door prize for convention.

Aside from prizes and events, Annette reminds everyone to register for
convention and to ensure that everyone registers to vote for our virtual
convention as well. Even further, Annette shares that you must tell Suzanne
Turner, our state Vice President, if you want a large print or Brailed
agenda by the tenth of the month.

Jordy made a motion that we contribute to the affiliate’s ten, 75-dollar
door prizes by ordering ten customized M&M boxes.

Shelly second the motion.

Old business: State Affiliate Project

Maggie provides an update on the state community service project, now that
the convention is virtual. The present members engaged into an open
discussion on how our chapter wishes to proceed with its contributions.
Maggie reminds everyone that the chapter had previously agreed on bringing
snacks on an individuals basis, in addition to the chapter purchasing
snacks. She provided updated information on the two different ways each
member could now make a contribution. Maggie outlined that all monies
should be sent to Todd Elzey, our affiliate treasurer with a notation of it
being set aside for this particular project. Or, she states that members
can send prepackaged snacks to the Stringer residence, directly, by the 23rd
of the month. Maggie will personally deliver all of the collected snacks at
the end of the month.

New Business: Nominating Committee

Annette shares that she has appointed Maggie to the chair of the nominating
committee for our local chapter and that Shelby and Misty will also serve
as committee members. Our next chapter meeting, we will hold our annual
chapter elections.

Old Business: Legislative Updates

Annette asks members to continue to pay attention to your inbox for
legislative updates. She shares that we need to be mindful and be ready for
when our affiliate is called upon to write testimonies with very little
amount of time to do so. She also shares that the parental rights hearing
is going to be held this coming Tuesday and all members should write and
turn in their testimonies as soon as possible.

An open discussion among all of the present members, started on the latest
presidential release regarding the name change for Meet The Blind month,
which is now Blind Equality Achievement Month. One member is opposed to the
name change, some members like the revised name, and others are on the
fence about it.

Old Business: Radio Show

Annette shares that the next radio show will be all about our state

Jordy suggest talking about the history of our conventions and shelly added
to possibly having a brief discussion on our affiliate shelter project.

Jordy also mentioned playing the Meet The Blind montage from last year,
during the radio show and Annette thought it would probably be best to play
it just prior to the banquet on Saturday, November 6th.

News & Announcements:

Maggie is working on revitalizing our chapter’s social media page and is
seeking help on the current manager of the page.

Annette & Jim have celebrated their wedding anniversary on the 9th and the
Stringers are celebrating their wedding anniversary today, the 10th.

Annette announced that our chapter has submitted their gavel report before
the deadline.

Our next meeting will be shortly after state convention, election day for
our chapter, and held on the 13th of November at 1PM EST on the Zoom
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