[CapChapOhio] November Meeting Minutes

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 21:51:41 UTC 2022

*Our meeting for December 11th was canceled and the board decided to wait
until January to meet.

Meeting Date: November 13, 2021

Start time: 1:00PM

End time: 2:22PM

Attendees: Annette, Misty, Shelby, Marieka D., Olivia B., Jordy, and Maggie

Treasurer Report:

No official treasury report provided.


Annette shares recent activity with the account such as monies given to the
PAC Plan and a donation given during the convention for The Movement.

Maggie adds to the discussion with the statement of a $500 check being
mailed to Annette from the most recent fundraising event.

No motion needed.


Minutes posted by Maggie on the list serve.


No questions or additional comments on the Minutes.


Jordy made a motion to Accept the minutes as they were circulated.

Maggie second the motion.

Minutes passed by everyone.

Old Business: NFB Ohio 2021 State Convention

Annette shares the convention highlights from the previous weekend. She
also congratulated the chapter on winning the 2021 Chapter, Gavel award and
shared her sentiment for all the help in submitting a report this year.
Because of there being two members present, Annette shared the signific,
the meaning, and descriptions of all of the awards given within our

Jordy shared the success of the state tour and that it was a well-attended
event. Guests commented how they liked it being a live event. He also
shared some of the history that he was not aware of such as Abraham Lincoln
had spoken at the state house and when he had passed, his body visited the
state house as well. Another fact he had shared was that all of the door
knobs have the state seal on them.

Annette and Maggie discussed the highlights from the NFL Hall of Fame
museum tour.

Maggie was asked to share with our newest members, all of the community
events the CSC has been offering and that lead into a discussion on ideas
for future community activities we could engage in as a chapter and has a
committee. It was also requested that Maggie will share the notes from the
Amazon Conversation on the list serve for our chapter.

Marieka shares her experiences at her first NFB Ohio state convention.

Old Business: COTA

Annette plans to attend the next COTA meeting on the 22nd, if anyone would
like to join her, they are welcome to.

Old Business: Legislative

Annette both emphasize the importance of reading and paying attention to
all the emails regarding our legislative bills. She also shares the update
on the Accessible Technology bill and the need to reach out to our local
representatives to have the bill back within the Senate. Annette goes even
further to state that we are still working on the Parent Rights and the
Accessible Script bill.

Old Business: Door Prize for Convention

Jordy provided the update on sending out all the door prizes from the

New Business: 2022 Elections

Maggie is the chair person for the nominating committee. She asked if the
chapter members would be okay with electing all of the officers at once as
oppose to individually and all voting members agreed. Maggie also discussed
that only those that have paid their dues are allowed to vote. Annette will
remain has president, Shelby will remain has vice president, Jordy will
become the treasurer, Maggie will remain as secretary, and Misty will
remain as the at-large board member.

Old Business: Meeting in Person

Annette will reach out to the church to find out their rules on being able
to use their building for future meetings. She will also inquire on being
able to switch our meeting time to 1PM to allow members to travel from out
of town.

All members have agreed to wait until March before meeting in person again.

Jordy asked about having a holiday meetup in December and the agreed date
is December 4th at a taco restaurant.

Annette also reminds members and shares with our newest members that our
chapter dues are ten dollars for the year.

News & Announcements:

Next chapter meeting will be on December 11th.

Maggie and Shelby would like to have a discussion on amending our
constitution at the next chapter meeting.

Maggie Stringer
Phone: (443) 750-0070
Email: ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Community Service Facebook Page
NFB Website <http://www.nfb.org>
NFB Ohio Website <http://www.nfbohio.org>
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
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