[CapChapOhio] March Meeting Minutes

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 14:29:57 UTC 2022

Meeting Date: February 12, 2022

Start time: 1:01PM

End time: 3:01PM

Attendees: Annette, Misty, Shelby, Marieka, John, Mary Lynn, Ken Reed
(Cleveland librarian), Jordy, and Maggie.

Chapter Presentation:

A presentation from Ken Reed regarding the updates and changes with the
Cleveland library. He covered topics such as:

-Name change.

-Approved to engage and have in-person events.

-Will be sending out Braille eReaders.

-An app update to the download on demand feature.

-Multiple books can be added to one cartridge.

After the presentation, we moved to an open discussion of asking and
answering questions with the presenter.


Minutes posted by Maggie on the list serve.


No discussion on the minutes.


Mary Lynn made a motion to Accept the minutes as they were circulated.

Jordy second the motion.

Minutes passed by everyone.

Treasurer Report:

Current Balance: $989.00


Jordy shares he and Annette will meet Tuesday, March 15th to get situated
with the bank. Then a email will be posted on the chapter’s list serve with
the notice of being able to pay dues. Jordy is still working on creating a
new PayPal account. They have also asked members to wait before sending
dues, if possible, until everything has been situated. Annette shares that
we are still paying our monthly PAC Plan.


Jordy made a motion to Accept the treasury report shared by our chapter’s
treasurer and president.

Maggie second the motion.

Treasury report passed by everyone.

Old Business: In-Person Chapter Meetings

Annette states that she has zero success in contacting someone at the

Jordy will reach out to a CIL in the Columbus area to see if we could meet
in their conference room; it may hold up to 30 people. He will also reach
out to the Franklin Park and OSSB.

We will try to meet in person for the May chapter meeting, and will attempt
to offer a blended meeting, if the in-person meeting place has a WIFI

Old Business: Legislative

Annette talks about HB448, Accessible Prescription bill. She states that we
are waiting on the news on the next hearing and it could be this coming
Wednesday, March 16th. She goes even further to express that anytime a
member sees an email requesting for testimony and letters, to please
respond immediately. Annette also says that we are still waiting on updates
for the Parental Rights bill as well.

Shelby contributed by adding for members to pay attention to the templates
that are provided with the testimony requests. She also shares about an
incident that she had with giving a child a prescription that the doctor
had provided specific instructions for; later to learn that the pharmacist
did not give the same dosage that was supposed to aligned with the doctor's

New Business: Convention

Annette shares the dates and location for the upcoming national convention.
She added the updated news on their safety protocol on taking a COVID-19
test up to 72 hours prior to convention. Annette also states that the Ohio
affiliate is offering assistance for those that wish to attend the national
convention. If interested, contact her because she will need to write a
letter on one's behalf, to go along with the application. Lastly, one could
apply, through national, a first time (in-person) assistance as well. The
registration for the national convention is open until May 31; cost of $25
for registration and $70 for the banquet.

Annette shares that the Ohio 76th annual state convention will be held in
Independence, Ohio on November 4th to 6th at the DoubleTree Hilton hotel.

New Business: New Affiliate Policy

Annette shares that the affiliate president and the board of directors have
recently added a new policy for our affiliate. She explains that a member
used inappropriate language during an Ohio event, was not apologetic for
their behavior, went too far, and was expelled from the NFB. After that was
resolved, the board decided to implement a new policy.

Jordy added additional comments to state that it was extremely unfortunate
that this kind of behavior is still happening, but ends by saying that
Kermit said it first; "People will be people."

New Business: BELL

Annette talks about BELL and how it is a summer camp for blind kids held at
the Ohio State School for the Blind. She also shares that the program has
returned to being in person for eleven states, including Ohio, but will
also continue to offer the program -home. In Ohio, BELL will take place the
week of August 7th, and they are always in need of volunteers. Contact Eric
Duffy, if one is interested in volunteering. Annette concludes that the
committee will be asking chapters to make donation towards the program too.

Jordy provided some background on the chapter's previous donations towards
the BELL program such as providing a hot meal.

New Business: Fundraisers

Maggie will continue to work on the potential wine tasting fundraiser, and
will give a report at the April meeting.

Mary Lynn will also speak next month on possibly having a Hershey candy

News & Announcements:

Jordy wants to know if there are any mainstream updates with public
transportation or COTA. None of the members have heard of anything. Annette
shares that she will continue to attend the COTA meetings.

Maggie mentioned the notice that was posted on the list serve and Facebook,
regarding the auditory signal information in Columbus. She will circulate
it again; members can report malfunctioning auditory signals or start a
petition of where one should be installed.

Jordy & Maggie will be going to the Columbus Zoo this coming week, to
assist a student whose project involves designing tactile maps for the zoo.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, April 9th at 1PM EDT.

Meeting Closed
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