[CapChapOhio] Chapter dues

Jordy D. Stringer jordystringer83 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 17:06:34 UTC 2022

After some solid technical maneuvering, I have in fact fixed our PayPal allowing us to accept your dues via digital payment. If you wish to send your dues via PayPal, please open PayPal and send them to
nfbcapchapohio at gmail.com
For those to whom I’ve already promised refunds, my offer still stands, and so does the offer to pay dues for those who are inconvenienced by the last few days worth of messages. If you are not inclined to take me up on that offer, you now have the correct address to send your dues. They must be received no later than Tuesday, May 31 in order to be eligible to vote during convention related voting activities in New Orleans.
 during our chapter meeting this upcoming weekend I will provide this information for the purposes of meeting minutes and if you need it again you should reach out to me directly.

Jordy D. Stringer
Executive Director, Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living 

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