[CapChapOhio] Discussions At Chapter Meetings

Eric Duffy peduffy63 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 23:13:51 UTC 2024

I am bringing this up as for discussion purposes only, but I hope the discussion bears some fruit.

There was a time when we had discussions about articles in the Braille Monitor, Buckeye Bulletin, or Kernel Books.

It was a good way to discuss topics related to blindness and particularly why the organization took certain actions or adopted a certain positions.

The Cincinnati chapter at one time did what they called Mini Blinds. They went around and people asked questions about how to do something as a blind person, or told about something that happened to them related to blindness. 

In the Greater Baltimore Chapter someone would present on how to do something using the alternative techniques of blindness.

Should we choose to engage in one of these activities as a chapter we would all have to commit to it. We should volunteer. Annette should not have to volunteer us.

Should we decide to go the way of discussing articles that could of course include podcasts. If wee decide to do something starting next year, it doesn’t mean we can only do one thing. In fact, I might discuss a Monitor article, and the next month Dorthy might discuss a Podcast.

One of the things Richard Payne has said for several years is that some chapters talk about everything but blindness.

Let’s turn that tide. Let’s find ways to get more active as individuals and as a chapter.

Let’s win the gavel award.

I hope to get some discussion here.



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