[Cccnfbw] FW: [Chapter-presidents] Call to Action for all Chapter Members!

Les Fitzpatrick lesfitz at comcast.net
Sat Aug 7 00:47:50 UTC 2010



Les Fitzpatrick

President Clark County Chapter National Federation of the Blind

Ham Call K5FPT

From: chapter-presidents-bounces at nfbnet.org
[mailto:chapter-presidents-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ewell, Jason
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 2:05 PM
To: Chapter-Presidents at NFBNet.org
Cc: Lamkin, Seth
Subject: [Chapter-presidents] Call to Action for all Chapter Members!


Are you looking for a meaningful way for your chapter members to help with
our national programs? Spend some time at your August chapter meeting voting
for the NFB Youth Slam in the Pepsi Refresh Everything contest. Seth Lamkin
gives the details in the following announcement.




Attention NFB Chapter Presidents:


The first week of voting for the 2011 NFB Youth Slam in the Pepsi Refresh
project is coming to a close and our project has been hovering around the
mid 40s since Pepsi corrected their ranking system earlier this week.
Remember everyone, only the top 2 projects in our category actually receive
the money. We desperately need every chapter president to push this
important opportunity in their chapter whether through e-mail, Facebook,
Twitter, texting, or at chapter meetings. In fact, chapter meetings would be
a perfect opportunity for everyone to take the time to vote. Remember, you
can vote via text message (the easiest method) by putting the number 101913
in the body of a text and sending that text to 73774. For those without text
messaging, go to www.refresheverything.com/nfbyouthslam, click the vote
button to sign in, then click the vote button once more to log your vote.
Detailed instructions are available at www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/> .
You can also sign up for daily e-mail reminders using the link on
www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/> . The NFB Youth Slam is a vital program
that shows how blind students can participate and excel in science subjects,
if only given the opportunity and encouragement. As with all of our
programs, it is an important step towards the complete integration and
acceptance of the blind into every part of society on a basis of equality.
With your help we can make it a reality and pull in this grant from Pepsi!


Thank you, 


Seth Lamkin

Grant Program Officer

Jernigan Institute



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