[Cccnfbw] CCC meeting 7/17

Robert Sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Sat Jul 17 03:40:29 UTC 2010



Some  thoughts  I'd like to see be discussed tomorrow.


First Joe Monek will be coming to show samples of the first aid kits, will
have information packet which will be eventually put into Braille and will
probably review the fund raiser oppurtunities. Also, Marie Monek, his wife,
will be there.

I encourage you to offer to them appreciation, for they are in charge of the
Amphitheater for us this year.


Maybe some discussion can start on a date for using the first aid kits in a
fund raiser.


Also, these ideas came from other chapters at the National Convention as
fund raisers.

1.	Having a bowling night were pledges are made based on total pins.
2.	 Having a go-ball game with a professional sports team, such as,
Blazers or Timbers.


One idea that was brought forth in public relations was to become involved
with outside community activities. An opportunity for us, One that is coming
up, I believe, is a walk for diabetese. It might behoove us to get involved
and to get some positive press for the effort.



I have a previous committmit and cannot be there.


Bob Sellers



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