[Cccnfbw] CCC helping Prop 1

robert sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Mon Oct 17 04:15:09 UTC 2011


Hi list,


This could be a good way of our chapter helping Prop 1.

If we would pick out 6 busy intersections around the city and hold signs in
support of Prop 1.

My suggestion is to do it on Monday, October 24th between 4 and 6 PM. We
would have two people per intersection on corners diagonally across from
each other.

Yes, it will take some sacrificing to do it, but nothing compared to the
sacrifices we'll face if Prop 1 doesn't pass!


Some intersections might be:

Chuklove & Mill Plain

4th Plain and SR 500

Hwy 99 & 99th or Hwy 99 and 78th

Paddin Parkway and NE 117th Ave.

Mill Plain & Andreson


Any other thoughts on intersections?


Bob Sellers





Bob Sellers





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