[Cccnfbw] Federal Public Transportation Funding

goldbeckjm at comcast.net goldbeckjm at comcast.net
Fri Feb 3 03:04:35 UTC 2012

This appeared on Facebook on February 2.  Please contact your member of Congress right away.  Thank you for helping to protect funding for public transit. 


Public Transportation 

ACT NOW!!!! Nearly 50% of federal investment authorized by House to public transportation to be diverted. 

House Ways and Means Committee will vote tomorrow on a bill that diverts $25 billion in dedicated fuels tax revenues from the Mass Transit Account. This represents nearly 50 percent of the federal investment in public transit authorized by the House surface transportation bill. Tell Congre ... ss these types of cuts are unacceptable and put transit projects at risk! 

Send a letter or call now- the vote is tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. 

http://capwiz.com/napta/ issues/alert/?alertid=60937551 


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