[Cccnfbw] Ice cream social and loci at my house

Leslie Fitzpatrick lfitz50 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 03:00:41 UTC 2012

I wanted to remind all of you about the Ice cream social this coming Tuesday evening I believe it starts at 6:30 please come if you can it is at WSSB last year it was in the Kennedy building I actually haven't heard where it will be but I imagine it will be in the same place if anyone knows anything concrete about that please let us know. Also don't forget about the social and chapter meeting at my house next Saturday at 10 A..M. we will have our meeting first then we will start cooking and eating so please come we will have a good time I'm sure. Later on this week I will send out my address and bus stop info Hope to see all of you then. Les F 

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