[Cccnfbw] Candy Bars

robert sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Sun Mar 4 23:53:36 UTC 2012



There has been some changes to the packaging of World's finest Chocolates
one dollar bars. They no longer have 50-count boxes of the Dark Chocolate.
But, they do come on assorted boxes. 

We can get fifty count boxes of the other bars or The assorted boxes
contains fifty bars in this way (thirty dollars per box):

15 bars of milk chocolate with almonds

5 bars of dark chocolate with almonds

10-bars  of the Carmel, Crisp and Milk Chocolate.


They do have two dollar  Dark chocolate bars. They come in thirty count

IN talking with the local WFC distributor, It appears we  do not need to
purchase 8 boxes for free delivery. Also, he thinks we could work something
out to get candy bars delivered to our Dallas hotel from a rep in Dallas.


I'm open to how many bars/boxes  we should order for this month's sale.

I'm open to 8 boxes of the assorted. What we don't sell in March we could do
any sale in April or June.


Let me know by Tuesday, 3/6. If we order soon  he should be able to deliver
the bars next week.


Bob Sellers




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