[Cccnfbw] FW: Visual Impaired Tours at Portland Art Musem

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Thu Feb 6 21:51:29 UTC 2014

From: Adrienne Fernandez [mailto:Adrienne.Fernandez at wssb.wa.gov] 
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 1:03 PM
To: Outreach
Cc: shlurie at spiritone.com; HEIDI BATCHELOR (batchelor6 at msn.com);
jeffandrachellawson at comcast.net; 'Renee CORSO'; nadyavb at yahoo.com; Lisa Fagg
(tropicalsafari at gmail.com); luminouslyliving at yahoo.com;
robertsellers500 at comcast.net; tkmcrobert at aol.com; Bruce Elgort
(bruce.elgort at gmail.com); C E A E WILLIAMS (wcejr1001 at msn.com);
cindy.vw at gmail.com; darznapa at yahoo.com; David Hammond - Volunteer
(davidw.hammond23 at gmail.com); dawn at keystoadvancement.com; Board - Denise
Vestman; dewaldpianotuner at gmail.com; donmi at pianotuningschool.org;
dlmcnew at wwestsky.net; Doug Trimble; rushmillerfoundation at hotmail.com;
gdonaghey at msn.com; heathersimmons1996 at gmail.com; helens at wa-net.com;
blindguy64 at gmail.com; Jacquelyn Patching (jpatching1993 at gmail.com); JaReda
Webb; Coni Barnes (conibarnes at comcast.net); jessimp at comcast.net;
jessica.cummings at email.wsu.edu; Jillian Quigley (jillian.raeq at gmail.com);
goddardmail at comcast.net; Jim Selby (selbyjb at comcast.net);
jodyrunt at gmail.com; jogsix at q.com; Joanne Gibbons (cgibbo at comcast.net); Joe
Pyles (joepyles at gmail.com); John Donnelly (donnellyj at comcast.net); KaDo
Gorman - VP Foundation (vpfoundation at portlanddg.org); lowsky at q.com;
kkipp123 at gmail.com; Kimloan Le (kimloan36054 at yahoo.com); Lief Lackey
(hilief at hotmail.com); Lilly L. (awaterlilly at comcast.net); Lisa Fagg
(tropicalsafari at gmail.com); Maurice Mines - General Volunteer
(kd0iko at icloud.com); Melanie Lindquist (heres-mel at hotmail.com);
michbin at comcast.net; ADELE OLSON (aolson at wildblue.net); Paul Van Dyck
(publicradio113 at gmail.com); Richard and Jackie Baker (tsadick at yahoo.com);
Ron Plath (rplath at easystreet.net); Shaleena Miller
(shaleenamiller at yahoo.com); Sunny Apareci (sunnyapareci at gmail.com);
jsrihahn at gmail.com; Tristen (tristenbreitenfeldt at gmail.com)
Subject: Visual Impaired Tours at Portland Art Musem


Sylvia Lurie organizes Portland Art Museum Tours for Visually Impaired (See
email below). Please contact Sylvia at shlurie at spiritone.com if you are
interested in below tours and would like to be on her mailing list for
future tours. Also, please share email with anyone you who might be
interested in visually impaired tours at Portland Art Museum.

Thanks so much,


From: Sylvia Lurie [mailto:shlurie at spiritone.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 2:04 PM
To: S. McCallum; I. M. McConachy; Adrienne Fernandez; Leslie Anderson;
Karmay Miller ">
Cc: Barbara Hart; Alice Williams
Subject: Would your visually impaired students be interested in an art tour?


Dear Educator:
The Committee for Touring the Blind has scheduled the following tour topics
for the coming months:
February 20 - The Romance of the West
March 20 - Venice's Golden Age of Art and Music
April - 17 - Guest Artist demonstrates print-making

Please let me know if you would like your visually impaired students to
visit the museum for a tour on one of these topics.  We can schedule a
special tour for your group on another Thursday afternoon.   There is no
charge for the tour, and students and an appropriate number of "helpers"
receive free admission to the museum.

Sylvia Lurie

PS.  Here is additional information about the February 20 tour.... 

Artists have been drawn to the American West since stories of the Lewis and
Clark expedition were revealed in the early 1800s. With its vast, rugged
landscape, Native American population, and tough-as-nails cowboys, the West
was a larger than life experience artists wanted to share with urban
Easterners.  Their creative renditions captured the imagination of those who
yearned to see for themselves the beauty and power of this still untamed

 Our tour will focus on three different types of western art, as interpreted
by artists who were, if briefly, part of the western legend.  Tour
participants will be able to touch one of the pieces (a sculpture) with
gloved hands.

 The tour begins at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, February 20. Participants assemble
at the museum's main entrance, 1219 SW Park Avenue, Portland. (Those
requiring a ramp should come in at the Members Entrance on the north side of
the building.)

The tour is free with museum membership. Non-museum members who are visually
impaired pay $3 for museum admission and may bring in one helper at no
charge. Children 17 and under are free. Seating is provided, and guide dogs
are welcome. 

Please let us know if you will attend the tour by calling and leaving a
message at 503-276-4290.



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