[Cccnfbw] Amphithater fund raiser

Robert Sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Sat Jan 3 20:48:48 UTC 2015


Sorry about the  extra message. However, I think this one is more
explanatory and may be worthwhile reading.





From: Cccnfbw [mailto:cccnfbw-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Robert
Sellers via Cccnfbw
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 12:41 PM
To: cccnfbw at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Cccnfbw] Amphithater fund raiser



I'll try this again. I've attempted to send this out twice before, without
success. Third time is a charm, right? 


It behooves all of us to recruit volunteers to help at the Amphitheater
fundraiser. We need a pool of about 20 volunteers.

In the past we have had volunteers who were our friends, friends of our
friends, relatives, people we interact with during the day or week.

There are those of us who are blind can assit at the events, working behind
the front lines. Vince, Doug, Kaye and myself have done this.

There is planned to be 11 to 15 events, starting in May and usually goes
into September.  We don't have a complete schedule, but if, just remind the
volunteer they do not need to work every event just events that fit into
their schedule.

If anyone has suggestions  on how to recruit volunteers, let us know here on
the list serve.


If anyone encounters someone who would like to manager the activity, get in
touch with one of us: Cory, Jessica, Doug or myself. 


Remind the volunteer that he/she needs to obtain a food worker card and an
alcohol card. It is done in this manner:

The chapter is willing  to pay that cost. Food worker card is ten dollars.
The alcohol card varies in cost.


Obtaiing a Food worker card is done online at this web site. It is a short
online class with a quiz. Believe me it is not difficult.


I believe you select a language and then select continue.

When you complete the course, print off the completion form and make some
extra copies to have on hand. If you are required to produce

The certificate and can't, you  are charged another ten dollars to get it


For obtaining the alcohol card.

The website is:



when at the website, select 'license services'.

There is a drop down menu from which you select 'mast'.

Then on the left side of the screen will be a list of providers who offer
the course and the cost can vary between providers.


According to the individual I talked with ath LCB, if enough people wanted
to a class could be offered in this area. Not all providers work in the
Vancouver area. We would need to determine which provider does.

Upon successful completion of the cours, I believe there is a completion
certificate that is printed off. This in turn is uded to acquire the card

I'll try and find out more about this process.   



For those of you who were not here the first time we had fundraisers at the
Anmphitheater. The first summer we earned $3,400. 





As you find volunteers, Cory and Jessica   are the contacts to keep track of
the volunteers contact information and staus of food worker and alcohol


Doug and I will be pursueing the required paperwork.


Bob Sellers



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