[Cccnfbw] Fwd: Concert: Rite of Spring~Three Together this Friday

Doug Trimble Doug.Trimble at wssb.wa.gov
Thu Mar 5 02:30:08 UTC 2015

Information on an upcoming concert

Sent from my iPhone

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From: "Judy Koch-Smith" <Judy.Koch-Smith at wssb.wa.gov<mailto:Judy.Koch-Smith at wssb.wa.gov>>
To: "Judy Koch-Smith" <Judy.Koch-Smith at wssb.wa.gov<mailto:Judy.Koch-Smith at wssb.wa.gov>>
Cc: "michael_attwood at msn.com<mailto:michael_attwood at msn.com>" <michael_attwood at msn.com<mailto:michael_attwood at msn.com>>, "rapid14 at aol.com<mailto:rapid14 at aol.com>" <rapid14 at aol.com<mailto:rapid14 at aol.com>>, "don (donmi at pianotuningschool.org<mailto:donmi at pianotuningschool.org>)" <donmi at pianotuningschool.org<mailto:donmi at pianotuningschool.org>>
Subject: FW: Concert: Rite of Spring~Three Together this Friday

This will be a FUN time for all – it’s FAMILY FRIENDLY entertainment, and of course you’d love to spend a few hours here on a Friday evening, right!  Seriously this is an important fund-raiser for the Fort Vancouver Lions Club, which does so so much for our school and community!  The Rite of Spring trio is an amazingly talented Folk Trio, perfect for Date Night or to expose your kids to this genre of music.  Your friends and neighbors will love it too.

From: "Michael Attwood" <michael_attwood at msn.com<mailto:michael_attwood at msn.com>>
Subject: Concert: Rite of Spring~Three Together


Our annual benefit concert at the Washington State School for the Blind is coming up this Friday, March 6th. It is always a pleasure to share the stage with the wonderful group Three Together. Doug Smith is a Grammy Award winning fingerstyle guitarist and National Fingerpicking Champion, Judy Koch Smith is a wonderful flute player and vocalist and Don Mitchell is a great guitarist, singer and humorist.
And, of course, there will be Terry, Lynn and Michael comprising Rite of Spring - we have been performing together for more than 40 years - we'll get it right one day...   ;>)

March 6th – Spring Benefit Concert with Three Together & Rite of Spring
Sherman Auditorium, Washington State School for the Blind
2215 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver, WA
(Different auditorium from last year's show. Parking lot entrance is approximately opposite W Street)
Doors open 6:30pm, Show starts at 7pm. Tickets - $15

Go to the following link and it will take you to the Ft. Vancouver Lions benefit concert page. Scroll down to the bottom where you can purchase advance tickets. They will be waiting for you at the door.  Be sure to take a copy of your printed receipt just in case.

Click here: Benefit Concert | Fort Vancouver Lions<http://fortvancouverlions.org/benefit-concert/>
or, if you prefer, call Janet at 360-696-6321 xt 120 to order tickets

We hope to see you all there.

Lynn and Michael

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