[Cccnfbw] Meeting reminder.

Vincent Ricks vincentricks at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 24 00:57:18 UTC 2016

Hello and good afternoon everyone,want to give a quick reminder of our upcoming monthly CCNFB meeting,this comming Saturday,from 10:00 AM to noon,at the Washington  State School For The Blind,at the Irvan Building,in the teachers lounge,the School is located at 2215 E. McLaughlin Blvd.   we will be discussing the following topics,one fund raising a legislative report,and a health and wellness report,from our chapter president Betty Watson,there will also be a secretary report,and a treasure,report,at the begging of the meeting,we will be playing the presidential report from our national office,and there will be any other topics,or business, to be discussed,we will also have a special guest at our chapter this month,which is our State President Marcy Carpenter,so I hope to see you all at this months chapter,come all come all,and hope to see some new people this mont.  And do not forget,that after the meeting,there will be a  alcohol class,and test,for those who,want to volunteer,for our chapter fund raiser,at the amphitheater,this summer,and you need a credit,or debit card,with $25 on it.
Vincent Ricks. 

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