[CCCNFBW] Governor Inslee signs HB 1706

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Wed May 15 03:01:25 UTC 2019

On Monday afternoon, May 13, 2019, Governor Jay Inslee Signed HB 1706 into law. Beginning July 1, 2020 no state agency may pay workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage. All state issued special wage certificates expire on June 30, 2020. This is an important step toward our goal of eliminating the payment of subminimum wages by all employers.

I was able to attend the bill signing and thanked the Governor and our state legislative champions. Thank you to everyone for all of your calls, emails and other support of this important legislation. 

Now we move on to pass more comprehensive legislation next session and also to gain more cosponsors for our national legislation; HR 873 and S 260.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Marci Carpenter

Sent from Marci's iPhone

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