[CCCNFBW] FW: Article from Vancouver Columbian Clark County News Section 2020 07 18

Robert Sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 21 05:40:21 UTC 2020


Information follows in the forwarded email regarding a change on the Vine
bus route.





From: NFB-NEWSLINE Online [mailto:publications at nfbnewsline.net] 
Sent: None
To: Robert Sellers
Subject: Article from Vancouver Columbian Clark County News Section 2020 07


C-Tran's Vine switching to onboard Hop payments. The Columbian. C-Tran is
changing the way riders pay their fare on the Vine bus line. Beginning Aug.
2, passengers will need to tap their Hop cards to a ticket reader when they
board the bus, rather than on the platform before boarding. The onboard
readers are located near the middle and rear doors. C-Tran announced the
change Friday and said it is intended to make the Vine's payment system more
consistent with the rest of the agency's bus fleet. It's also intended to
speed up boarding so that riders who are rushing to catch a bus won't need
to pause to tap their card at the platform terminal, the agency said in a
press release. Vine riders will still be able to pay with cash at the ticket
vending machines at each platform. Cash payments must be made before
boarding. Fare inspections will continue as normal after the switch to
onboard payment. Until Aug. 2, Vine riders should continue to pay by tapping
their Hop cards on the platform before boarding. 

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