[CCCNFBW] progress and action on national legislation
Marci Carpenter
mjc59 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 17 20:31:15 UTC 2020
At this time when we are all staying home much more there is a lot we can do to advance our National Federation of the Blind national legislation. We can email and call our Senators and Representatives to thank those who have cosponsored our bills and to urge more of them to sign on as cosponsors. We will focus on one bill each week for the next three weeks. I will list the bill we are focusing on at this time, cosponsors for that bill, sample language for asking Senators and Representatives to cosponsor the bill and their staff contact information. I will also provide a link to a website to help you determine which Congressional District you live in and a link to the 2020 Washington Seminar page which contains fact sheets for all of our bills. You can call to leave a message or send an email. If you send an email please cc me at mjc59 at comcast.net <mailto:mjc59 at comcast.net>.
Access Technology Affordability Act (ATAA) (H.R. 2086/S. 815)
Please thank the following Representatives. You don’t have to be from their districts to thank them.
H.R. 2086 - Access Technology Affordability Act (ATAA): Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, District 1
Sample Language for Requesting Cosponsors
Note: You should only contact the Representative for your Congressional District. It is also good to add a sentence about how this bill will help you.
ATAA - House of Representatives: Please cosponsor H. R. 2086, the Access Technology Affordability Act (ATAA). The cost of critical access technology is out of reach for most blind Americans. By providing a refundable tax credit for qualifying purchases, Congress will make it more feasible for individuals to purchase needed technology. This will increase employment of blind people.
ATAA - Senate: Please cosponsor S. 815, the Access Technology Affordability Act (ATAA). The cost of critical access technology is out of reach for most blind Americans. By providing a refundable tax credit for qualifying purchases, Congress will make it more feasible for individual. to purchase needed technology. This will increase employment of blind people.
Contact Information
Representative Suzan DelBene, District 1, Sasha Bernhard, sasha.bernhard at mail.house.gov <mailto:sasha.bernhard at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-6311
Representative Rick Larsen, District 2, Samuel Wilcoxson, samuel.wilcoxson at mail.housee.gov <mailto:samuel.wilcoxson at mail.housee.gov>, 202-225-2605
Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, District 3, Rachel Thompson, rachel.thompson at mail.house.gov <mailto:rachel.thompson at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-3536
Representative Dan Newhouse, District 4, Sean O’Brien, sehv.obrien at mail.house.gov <mailto:sehv.obrien at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-5816
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, District 5, Michael Taggert, michael.taggert at mail.house.gov <mailto:michael.taggert at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-2006
Representative Derek Kilmer, District 6, Katie Allen, katie.allen at mail.house.gov <mailto:katie.allen at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-5916
Representative Pramilla Jayapal, District 7, Lindsay Owens, lindsay.owens at mail.house.gov <mailto:lindsay.owens at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-3106
Representative Kim Schrier, District 8, Alex Payne, alex.payne at mail.house.gov <mailto:alex.payne at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-7761
Representative Adam Smith, District 9, Connor Stubbs, connor.stubbs!mail.house.gov <http://mail.house.gov/>, 202-225-8901
Representative Denny Heck, District 10, Rina Wulging, rina.wulfing at mail.house.gov <mailto:rina.wulfing at mail.house.gov>, 202-225-9740
Senator Maria Cantwell, Rosemary Gutierrez, rosemary_gutierrez at cantwell.senate.gov <mailto:rosemary_gutierrez at cantwell.senate.gov>, 202-224-3441
Senator Patty Murray, Kimberley Knackstedt, kimberley_knackstedt at HELP.senate.gov <mailto:kimberley_knackstedt at help.senate.gov>, 202-224-6368
Find Myy Representative link:
https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative <https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative>
NFB Washington Seminar website:
https://www.nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/washington-seminar <https://www.nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/washington-seminar>
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