[CCCNFBW] Fwd: [Jobs] FW: [Mosen Consulting Announcement] My audiobook about Zoom Cloud Meetings is now free

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 24 00:26:39 UTC 2020

In case you need to learn how to use Zoom

Sent from Marci's iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mary Ann Mendez via Jobs <jobs at nfbnet.org>
> Date: March 16, 2020 at 7:35:04 AM PDT
> To: Jobs for the Blind <jobs at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Mary Ann Mendez <maryann at jmendez.us>
> Subject: [Jobs] FW: [Mosen Consulting Announcement] My audiobook about Zoom Cloud Meetings is now free
> Reply-To: Jobs for the Blind <jobs at nfbnet.org>
> Forwarding in case this helps someone.
> From: Announcements <announcements-bounces at lists.mosen.org> On Behalf Of Jonathan Mosen
> Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 11:44 PM
> To: announcements at mosen.org
> Subject: [Mosen Consulting Announcement] My audiobook about Zoom Cloud Meetings is now free
> Kia ora everyone, from a beautiful Wellington New Zealand.
> As many of you know, I’m now CEO of a national organisation here in New Zealand. I’m no longer developing Mosen Consulting projects, but I keep titles available as long as they remain relevant. Occasionally, I check in to see what we have sold through our automated system.
> Having just done this, I have noticed a sharp increase in the number of people buying my audiobook on Zoom Cloud Meetings, “Meet Me Accessibly”, which is a three-hour description of how to use Zoom on a range of platforms with a screen reader. There has been a very sharp spike in sales in just the last few days.
> Clearly, this is because more people are already working from home or are preparing to do so.
> I do not feel comfortable profiting from a need people have during a crisis that is unprecedented in living memory. If people need access to the material at a time like this, I can afford to give it away especially since Mosen Consulting is no longer my primary means of making a living.
> I have therefore refunded in full everyone who has purchased “Meet Me Accessibly” during March, and made it free on the website. You are welcome to download it free and distribute it anywhere you want. The only thing I ask is that you please not change any of the files and that it be distributed in full.
> Download it free from http://mosen.org/zoom
> I hope this helps in some small way during a very tough time for many.
> There is no sugar coating the fact that we are living through a very difficult period in history. But if we follow quality advice including regular handwashing and levels of isolation appropriate for the degree of outbreak in our country, we’ll get through it.
> Let’s all do our best to stay safe, be mindful of the safety of others, and be kind.
> Take care.
> Jonathan
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