[CCCNFBW] Notes from wine & cheese fund raising meeting

Robert Sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Fri Feb 12 01:46:37 UTC 2021


Below  are the notes from our meeting with the wine and cheese fund raising

We thought if you had them early would allow you to see what was discussed.
Hopefully this will speed up the discussion at the chapter meeting this



Notes from wine and cheese Feb 6

In attendance was: Bob, Betty, Vaughn, Joan, Sara, Patricia, Kaye


Dates to be considered are Saturday Oct. 16 and Saturday Oct. 23. Time is
2-5 PM. Sunday of those weekends may be considered depending on the
locations desires. Cellars55 and Burntbridge wineries are the two locations
being considered. Both are downtown Vancouver.


Betty will coordinate 'ticket' sales. We will use the system of  selling
tickets used for  our last event. Sara will provide information to Betty as
to the process used.


Twenty dollar ticket price was discussed, nothing confirmed. This will
depend on  how much the  location wants for their share.

AS to ticket sales, finding an organization  that will support the event by
their members buying tickets was discussed. The Lions of Ridgefield was
discussed as a possible organization. They are very supportive of activities
at WSSB. Dean Stinjham is or was a member of the group. Vaughn is looking
into this.


Vaughn will be leading up the publicity portion for the event. We will get
Vaughn the 'In Kind'  donation letter, as well as, the flyer for
advertising the event.


Patricia will  work with the raffle/donation  used of the event. Discussion
of having baskets again was accepted. In order to have more winners, more
but smaller raffle amount per package was discussed and accepted. ( instead
of 1 large package with gift cards, use Smaller bags less 'gift cards' in a

It was suggested that the 'in kind donation' letter be also in Spanish. 

It was suggested we have a package forming session to create the raffle

Kaye said she would head up the raffle. 

Patricia noted there is someone she knows that could make a quilt and Kaye
would make an Afghan again.

Those two items would be auctioned off.



Members  getting donations would list  who they are asking and send out an
email to the chapter, wo we don't duplicate asking the same businesses.


We plan to meet again in late March or early April.



Bob Sellers





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