[CCCNFBW] Chapter meeting this Saturday

corey.grandstaff at gmail.com corey.grandstaff at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 13:29:04 UTC 2021

CCC NFB Members:

I hope everyone is staying safe and has thus far had a happy new year. I
look forward to this upcoming year and am looking forward to seeing what our
chapter can accomplish as we move into 2021. We will be holding our monthly
chapter meeting this Saturday via zoom beginning at noon. Zoom information
is below. As Doug has posted many times so far, we will be holding
elections, in order to vote in elections, you need to pay your yearly dues
before the start of the meeting.  We will hold elections for the following
offices: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and a board member
position. In order to run, please plan to either nominate yourself or have
someone nominate you. In addition, if you have any questions about the
duties, please reach out to me via phone at 419-768-1523. The agenda will
include the following: elections, a discussion of the WSSB talent show,
national updates from Marci, a WSSB COVID focus group, and I would like
everyone to think of the following question and be ready to answer during
the meeting, how do you see yourself contributing to the success of our
chapter in 2021? I would also like to reorganize committees so please be
ready to commit to being on at least one committee, so far committees
include: fundraising, membership, chapter engagement, NFB philosophy, and
community engagement (this includes transportation, city related issues,
etc). Other agenda items can be added before Saturday or at the meeting.
Thank you and I look forward to continuing to build the federation with each
of you:

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 817 0499 7033

Passcode: 871953

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,81704997033#,,,,,,0#,,871953# US (Tacoma) 


Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)


Corey grandstaff, Chapter President        

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