[CCCNFBW] FW: Two opportunities to engage with state transportation planning

Betty Fitzpatrick mamamacbear at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 21:14:01 UTC 2021

Just passing this on so many of us might be able to participate. 


From: dismobility at googlegroups.com <dismobility at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Anna Zivarts
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 10:53 AM
To: Disability Mobility Initiative <dismobility at googlegroups.com>
Subject: Two opportunities to engage with state transportation planning


Sharing the message below (and attached flyer) from WSDOT asking to engage with us.


Additionally, WSDOT is looking to have us convene a stakeholder group on the future of the Road Usage Charge. Participants will receive a $100 stipend for a 90 minute session. If you are interested in being part of this group, let me know and I will start coordinating schedules. Don't know what Road Usage Charge is? That's perfect. The goal is for WSDOT to hear from community members who are brand new to this concept. 






We are writing on behalf of the Washington State Department of Transportation <https://wsdot.wa.gov/>  (WSDOT), in coordination with the new Washington State Office of Equity <https://www.governor.wa.gov/news-media/inslee-names-karen-johnson-phd-director-new-state-office-equity> , to request your participation in a voluntary equity baseline assessment. This assessment will help WSDOT and the state identify actions and policy and procedure revisions that are needed to ensure our work bridges opportunity gaps and reduces disparities to create equitable and just outcomes for everyone in Washington.


We encourage you to complete our brief  <https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=F-LQEU4mCkCLoFfcwSfXLX3oGaLIVgZNrIW8ST9dLBpUOUtPNUdESjlVUU1VWE9ZWlpXUkdBNTEwMS4u> Strategic Planning Listening Survey by Friday, July 30. This survey is completely voluntary, and your answers are confidential. Please feel free to share this information with your organizations’ membership, any subcontractors/subconsultants/suppliers you work with, or other community members or groups who may have input to provide.


è  WSDOT and the Washington State Office of Equity are also hosting three virtual listening sessions on June 29, June 30 and July 1, which provide another format to provide your input and feedback. Additional details about the listening sessions and how to register are available in the attached flyer (PDF).


If you have questions regarding the survey, please contact the Office of Equity at equityinfo at wa.gov <mailto:equityinfo at wa.gov> . If you have any other questions, please contact Jackie Bayne, WSDOT Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) Policy Manager, at (360) 338-5783 or Jackie.Bayne at wsdot.wa.gov <mailto:Jackie.Bayne at wsdot.wa.gov> .


Thank you for your time and sharing your valuable perspectives.




- Robin


Robin Mayhew, AICP

Management of Mobility Director (she/her)

Washington State Department of Transportation

Office: 206-464-1264

Mobile: 206-496-8383

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