[CCCNFBW] Disability and Caregiver Feedback Sought from WA DOH

ripcitymatt at gmail.com ripcitymatt at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 19:25:27 UTC 2021

Hi everyone, below you will find an announcement from the Washington State
Department of Health on 2 opportunities to inform policy on covid-19. These
are zoom sessions and I encourage all to join if they can.


COVID Vaccine Community Conversation (English).pdf

Join us for a community discussion about COVID-19 

Let's Stop COVID-19 Together 

Dear Partners-Please join us for a community conversation about increasing
access to the COVID-19 vaccine for people with disabilities. We want to

the challenges or hesitations people 

experience, what is working well, and how funding or partnership could help
your community increase access to the vaccine. Your perspectives and ideas

will help our cross-disability coalition decide how to focus our resources
and efforts over the next several months. 

There are two Zoom options for these conversations (see below). Sign
Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters will be available and other language

will be available upon request. These meetings are open to people with
disabilities, families and caregivers, service providers, and anyone else
who is

interested in increasing COVID-19 vaccine access for people with
disabilities. Please consider joining and also feel free to share this
opportunity with

others in your community. 

Date: November 9th 

Time options: 

12 to 2 PM: 

Register here

5 to 7 PM: 

Register here

Register by November 2nd 

If you need language 

interpretation or other support 

needs please email 

kimberly at disabilitypride.org 


October 26th 



An image of a medical syringe with the COVID vaccine inside. 

A picture of a sign being held up with a black hand. The sign reads COVID
Vaccine for all. On both sides of this hand are four other hands with

bottles being held up. 

A photo of a woman showing her arm out and pointing to the location on her
arm where she got vaccinated, Below that are the words vaccine ready stuck

with a hashtag infront of the words 

A photo of the words Wearing is Caring with hearts on both sides of the
words. Below that is a face mask with caring eyes on it.  

Hosted by Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, Washington
State Independent Living Council, Disability Rights Washington, Allies in

The University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Alliance
of People with disAbilities, Center for Independence, Central Washington


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