[CCCNFBW] financial assistance for NFB national convention

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 18 16:42:37 UTC 2022

Do you plan to attend the NFB national convention July 5-10 in New Orleans?
Do you need financial assistance to help with convention costs in order to attend?

We are very excited about going to our first in-person NFB national convention since 2019 and we want to help as many members as possible have this amazing experience. The NFB of Washington has some funding available to assist members with the cost of convention. We are not able to provide full grants to cover all costs but we can provide partial funding. For example, we can pay for up to one half the cost for your hotel stay which is estimated at $389 for six nights. If you would like to apply for assistance from NFBW please email President Carpenter at mjc59 at comcast.net <mailto:mjc59 at comcast.net> by 10:00 PM Pacific onTuesday, April 26. You must answer all of the questions below. This is an investment we make in the future of our organization. All members are expected to contribute financially toward the cost of convention, will be required to work at our affiliate fundraising table and are expected to attend the entire convention. An award committee will review all applications. If you have questions about the application or need help filling it out please contact President Carpenter at 206-604-5507 or your local chapter President.

Please provide the following information:
Phone where you can be reached before and during convention 
Home address (including city, state and zip code)
Chapter where you are active
What chapter, state and national activities have you participated in in the past two years? 

Indicate the assistance you need and the estimated amount needed:

What will be your financial contribution? Will you be receiving assistance from other sources such as your local chapter or DSB?

Which convention sessions/activities are you likely to participate in and how will you use the ideas/knowledge you will gain to help build and strengthen the NFB locally, statewide and nationally?

By typing your name at the end of the application you agree to the following:
1. Must abide by the NFB Code of Conduct https://nfb.org/about-us/history-and-governance/code-conduct <https://nfb.org/about-us/history-and-governance/code-conduct>
2. Must attend the entire NFB national convention and must notify the NFBW President immediately if your plans change and you are either unable to attend or must shorten the duration of your attendance
3. Must work any assigned jobs, shifts or tasks at the convention that are assigned to you
4. Must return any awarded funds if you do not attend the event and/or return the portion determined to be appropriate by NFBW if you shorten the
duration of your attendance
5. You understand that you are responsible for finding your own roommate(s) 
6. If you violate any of these requirements the NFBW will cancel your financial assistance, require you to repay NFBW grants already spent and that you will not be eligible to receive future financial assistance from NFBW

Again, if you have any questions or need help filing your application please contact President Mardi Carpenter or your chapter President.

Marci Carpenter, President
National Federation of the Blind of Washington
mjc59 at comcast.net <mailto:mjc59 at comcast.net>

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