[CCCNFBW] Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser Training

Nikki Palm nikkirae83 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 01:53:34 UTC 2022


*Our Double Good popcorn fundraiser is getting ready to start soon. We will
be sending the link to the App out soon so that people can create their
pop-up stores. In addition, we will be hosting an information Zoom session
to walk members through the fundraiser and App set up process. Not sure
exactly what this is all about, keep reading for more details.*

*What is the Double Good Fundraiser?*

*This is an online based fundraising opportunity. Double Good sells
delicious specialty popcorn in a variety of flavors that everyone will
love. The prices are definitely reasonable. As an affiliate, we will
receive fifty percent of the profits earned from the sales.*

*The best part is, we don’t have to hold any products or money. We simply
create a pop-up store using the Double Good App. Everyone will be given a
code that links us all together as an affiliate. Once we have created our
pop-up store and personalized it, we can then share the link via email,
text message and by sharing on social media platforms. This is only a
four-day fundraiser. That’s it! We just create a store, share it as much as
possible and then watch and wait for sales to come in to help raise money
for the affiliate.*

*When is the fundraiser happening?*

*The sale officially kicks off August 1st and goes through August 4th.*

*Where do I get the App?*

*The Double Good application can be downloaded for free directly from the
App store on your phone. Here is the link for the Apple Store:*

*Download Double Good App Here

*Where Do I Get My Code?*

*In order to link your pop up store to the NFBW affiliate, you will need a
code that will be entered into the app. We will be giving everyone the code
at the informational Zoom session. *

*When is the Informational Zoom Session?*

*Date: *Tuesday, July 26, 2022

*Time: *7 pm Pacific Standard Time

*Where:* On Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84399619371?pwd=OUcxZUI4ZWQ0NUN5T2hpUnYxQzNM

> dz09>

> Meeting ID: 843 9961 9371

> Passcode: 202837

> One tap mobile

> +12532158782,,84399619371#,,,,*202837# US (Tacoma)

> +13462487799,,84399619371#,,,,*202837# US (Houston)

 Dial by your location

>        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

> Meeting ID: 843 9961 9371

> Passcode: 202837

> Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwcZefPhn

*Member Engagement*

*It would be great if as many members participate in the fundraiser as
possible. We would genuinely appreciate your support with this. The money
raised will help us to continue doing the work that we do throughout the
year. Please join us at the informational Zoom session to learn more about
Double Good and this outstanding fundraising opportunity for our affiliate.
We will help you get your app set up and answer any questions that you may
have. This is a fun and easy way for us to earn some money, not to mention,
who doesn’t love some yummy popcorn right?*
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