[CCCNFBW] Fwd: Beginning Aug. 25, bus service will run in place of MAX trains during late-night hours

Merribeth Greenberg merribeth.manning at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 18:38:00 UTC 2024

Incase you care catching aride along this Max train.,

Beth Greenberg

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: TriMet <subscriptions at emailupdates.trimet.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 4:19 PM
Subject: Beginning Aug. 25, bus service will run in place of MAX trains
during late-night hours
To: <merribeth.manning at gmail.com>

[image: TriMet logo]

TriMet is introducing bus service that will run in place of MAX trains
during late-night hours.

If you ride MAX Blue, Orange, Red or Yellow Lines, here’s what you need to

   - These buses will serve the last few trips of the service day for MAX
   lines, beginning at or near midnight.
   - This change will begin on August 25.

The Line 291-Orange Bus will continue to serve Orange Line riders with the
addition of a new northbound route and updated late-night schedules.

By providing late night-trips on buses instead of trains, we'll be able to
complete more overnight maintenance projects on our light rail system and
reduce unplanned service disruptions, as well as multi-day disruptions for
improvement projects. This will help us provide more reliable MAX service
during the hours most people are riding.

A MAX Green Line late-night bus is not needed because the Green Line
already has a nearly five-hour overnight work window.

While buses will be running in place of MAX trains, they will only be
providing service for current late-night MAX trips. The buses will not run
throughout the night. They will match current MAX late-night service hours.

Preview the route maps and schedules online

[image: This is a map showing the buses lines that will run in place of MAX
trains during late-night hours]
learn more]

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